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VAZNO: Slanjem oglasa sa svog broja telefona prihvatate ovog sajta i cinjenicu da ce vas broj telefona i oglas biti vidljiv na sajtu odmah posle slanja. Cena: 15 eur Lokacija: Novi Sad 021 Broj soba: 2 Sprat: 2 Lift: Površina m2 : 40 Grejanje: stan na dan Novi Sad i kratkorocni najam apartmana Novi Sad je pravo resenje za sve kome je potreban smestaj u Novom Sadu. U toku dana SMS-om cete dobiti ime i broj dame. Ostalu ponudu naših stanova možete pogledati na www.
AGENCIJSKA PROVIZIJA IZNOSI 50 % OD PRVE MESEČNE ZAKUPNINE, JEDNOKRATNO. Princip ideje i rada ovog servisa za upoznavanje i dopisivanje je jednostavan. Cene apartmana zavise od velicine apartmana stana i lokacije ali u proseku su od 15-25 eura po stanu,Vecina stanova su u centru,Sajmistu i Grbavici Svi nasi stanovi su novi,uredni i komplet opremljeni. A na kioscima je novi 195 broj HAPPY SEX OGLASNIK-a.
Srbija upoznavanje licni oglasi po gradovima: - Uknjizena nekretnina bez puno ulaganja idealna za izdavanje zbog blizine skola, fakulteta, saobracajnih linjia i ostalih gradskih sadrzaja. Ostalu ponudu naših stanova možete pogledati na www.
Ostalu ponudu naših stanova možete pogledati na www. AGENCIJSKA PROVIZIJA IZNOSI 50 % OD PRVE MESEČNE ZAKUPNINE, JEDNOKRATNO. U zgradi svega 6 stanova. Grejanje je centralno sa kalorimetrima. Odličan kako za život tako i za izdavanje. Cena je za dogovor. Ostalu ponudu naših stanova možete pogledati na www. AGENCIJSKA PROVIZIJA IZNOSI 50 % OD PRVE MESEČNE ZAKUPNINE, JEDNOKRATNO. Veliki trosoban komforan stan kod Futoške pijace iz ponude Real House izdavanje stanova Novi Sad. Veliki, konforan i komotan stan idealan za porodice, zaposlene ljude i sve one koji traže kompletan stan na odličnoj lokaciji. Stan se nalazi u ulici Kosančić Ivana, nedaleko od Futoške pijace na jednu i Novosadskog sajma na drugu stranu. Jedna od najlepsih ulica u gradu Vrhunska nekretnina u strogom Centru grada.. Idealna za dnevno izdavanje. Prvoklasna oprema u stanu. Salonska zgrada sa malim brojem stanova. Ostalu ponudu naših stanova možete pogledati na www. AGENCIJSKA PROVIZIJA IZNOSI 100 % OD PRVE MESEČNE ZAKUPNINE, JEDNOKRATNO. Izdavanje isključivo ozbiljnim zakupcima, NEPUŠAČIMA na duži vremenski period. Potreban depozit u visini od 1200 EUR dve kirije. PARKING MESTO U DVORIŠTU ZGRADE. Kontakt telefoni: 0216618222, 062661822, 062461610. Ostalu ponudu naših stanova možete pogledati na www. Ostalu ponudu naših stanova možete pogledati na www. AGENCIJSKA PROVIZIJA IZNOSI 50 % OD PRVE MESEČNE ZAKUPNINE, JEDNOKRATNO. Veliki trosoban komforan stan kod Futoške pijace iz ponude Real House izdavanje stanova Novi Sad. Veliki, konforan i komotan stan idealan za porodice, zaposlene ljude i sve one koji traže kompletan stan na odličnoj lokaciji. Stan se nalazi u ulici Kosančić Ivana, nedaleko od Futoške pijace na jednu i Novosadskog sajma na drugu stranu. Neposredna blizina centra a opet izolovan od buke I guzve. ODLICAN STAN ZA IZDAVANJE ILI ZA MLADJE LJUDE. Mali objekat — samo osam stanova. Odlicna cena po kvadratu. Cena: 15 eur Lokacija: Novi Sad 021 Broj soba: 2 Sprat: 2 Lift: Površina m2 : 40 Grejanje: stan na dan Novi Sad i kratkorocni najam apartmana Novi Sad je pravo resenje za sve kome je potreban smestaj u Novom Sadu. Prava alternativa skupim hotelima,gde je ceo stan na raspolaganju. Cene apartmana zavise od velicine apartmana stana i lokacije ali u proseku su od 15-25 eura po stanu,Vecina stanova su u centru,Sajmistu i Grbavici Svi nasi stanovi su novi,uredni i komplet opremljeni. Svi imaju komplet kuhinju,cg,klima,wifi, ktv,parking,posteljina i peskiri. Booking:+381 63 808 77 45 i +381 21 6772 057. Nedaleko od centra Novog Sada iznajmljujemo apartmane i sobe sa kupatilom. Apartmani u svom sastavu sadrže odvojenu, kompletno opremljenju kuhinju. All units have own bathrooms, WiFi, cable TV, LCD TV. Free, closed parking place in the accommodation is what we provide to our guests. Oglašavamo izdavanje kompletno opremljenog, dvosobnog stana na jednoj od najboljih gradskih lokacija. Stan se nalazi u ulici Novosadskog Sajma, na samo par desetina metara od Bulevara Oslobođenja, par stotina metara od Futoške pijace i 1km od centra Novog Sada. Stan je potpuno renoviran i u njemu se nalazi novi nameštaj i novi uređaji bele tehnike. NOVI SAD, SAJAM , velika prostrana garsonjera. Stan je bez veceg ulaganja. Orijentacija stana je ka dvoristu — daleko od buke, juzna strana. Kompletna ponuda stanova na www. House nekretnine, Novi Sad, Reg. U prilici smo da Vam predstavimo porodičan stan ukoliko Vam je potreban komfor, odličan raspored, mirno mesto za život i stan u koji ne morate ništa da ulažete. Stan u Novom Sadu, u Kisačkoj ulici nedaleko od osnovne škole Kosta Tripković. Stan je idealan i za izdavanje kao i za kupce koji rade posao od kuće, jer ima dovoljno stambenog i radnog prostora. Uzimajući u obzir trend rasta cena stanova, ovo je ponuda fantastičnog stana po veoma korektnoj ceni, a ako izuzmemo nedostatak lifta, manu mu nismo našli. Za sve detalje o prodaji letvorosobnog porodničnog stana u Kisačkoj ulici kontaktirajte posrednika prodaje: Real House doo licencirani posrednik za promet i zakup nepokretnosti, reg. NOVI SAD, SAJAM , velika prostrana garsonjera. Kompletna ponuda stanova na www. House nekretnine, Novi Sad, Reg. Izdavanje višenamenskog poslovnog objekta prizemlje plus sprat. PRIZEMLJE: četiri proizvodne hale ukupne površine od 3515m2. SPRAT: stan od 185m2. Struja, voda, grejanje na čvrsto gorivo. Neposredna blizina stadiona i pijace. Kontakt telefoni: 0216618222, 062661822, 062461610. Ostalu ponudu naših stanova možete pogledati na www. AGENCIJSKA PROVIZIJA IZNOSI 100 % OD PRVE MESEČNE ZAKUPNINE, JEDNOKRATNO. Agencijska oznaka nekretnine je 1046848. Neposredna blizina centra a opet izolovan od buke I guzve. ODLICAN STAN ZA IZDAVANJE ILI ZA MLADJE LJUDE. Mali objekat — samo osam stanova. Odlicna cena po kvadratu. Pogodna za izdavanje i otvaranje HOSTELA Obnovljen: 03. Oglasavamo prodaju jednoiposobnog stana na potezu Cara Dusana, stan je u prizemlju stambene zgrade sa malim brojem stanova i stanara. Velika svetla dnevna soba sa trpezarijom,spavaca soba, ostava, kuhinja i kupatilo sa prirodnom ventilacijom. Stan je dvorisno orjentisan, sto mu obezbecuje mir i tisinu a u dvoristu je obezbedjeno parking mesto. Uknjizena nekretnina bez puno ulaganja idealna za izdavanje zbog blizine skola, fakulteta, saobracajnih linjia i ostalih gradskih sadrzaja. Velika svetla dnevna soba sa trpezarijom,spavaca soba, ostava, kuhinja i kupatilo sa prirodnom ventilacijom. Stan je dvorisno orjentisan, sto mu obezbecuje mir i tisinu a u dvoristu je obezbedjeno parking mesto. Uknjizena nekretnina bez puno ulaganja idealna za izdavanje zbog blizine skola, fakulteta, saobracajnih linjia i ostalih gradskih sadrzaja. Stan se izdaje na dnevnom nivou i cena prenocista je 35 eura, za duzi boravak je moguc dogovor. U ponudi imamo jos stanova na vise lokacija i sa manjim cenama, za vise informacija pozovite +381 64 246 58 29 Nenad www. Booking:+381 63 808 77 45 i +381 21 6772 057. Nedaleko od centra Novog Sada iznajmljujemo apartmane i sobe sa kupatilom. Apartmani u svom sastavu sadrže odvojenu, kompletno opremljenju kuhinju. Svaki apartman i soba su klimatizovani, poseduju TV-kablovsku, bežični i kablovski internet, frižider i garažu za vozila.
Gradjanski Oglasnik
Grejanje je centralno sa kalorimetrima. Agencijska oznaka nekretnine je 1046848. Princip ideje i rada ovog servisa za upoznavanje i dopisivanje je jednostavan. Oglas će biti aktivan narednih 15 dana od prijema vašeg sms-a. Beograd, Kragujevac, Kraljevo, Krusevac, Leskovac, Nis, Novi Sad, Sabac, Subotica, Cacak. Si se nalazi u ulici Kosančić Ivana, nedaleko od Futoške pijace na jednu i Novosadskog sajma na drugu stranu. Kompletna ponuda stanova na www.
Mike says he does not want to see her miss out since raising children was the most rewarding experience of his life, but Bernadette points out that her mother did everything while all Mike did was come home from work, sit on the couch, and drink beer, which is unrelated to raising kids. After several unsuccessful proposals from both sides, Penny realizes that her happiness is derived from her relationship with Leonard and they become engaged and later get married, though they upset their families by eloping, so they later have a wedding redo.
Later, they decide to make the arrangement permanent. Leslie had casual sexual relationships with both Leonard and Howard, considering it a completely physical reaction to her body's cycles. Following their divorce in season eight, Raj mentions that his mother bought the book and used it to set fire to her ex-husband's car.
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This article's tone or style may not reflect the used on Wikipedia. See Wikipedia's for suggestions. November 2014 The American television sitcom , created and executive produced by and , premiered on on September 24, 2007. The series initially centers on five characters: roommates and , two physicists; , a waitress and aspiring actress who at the beginning of the program's narrative lives across the hall, later weds Leonard, moves in with him and becomes a pharmaceutical representative, and Leonard and Sheldon's friends and co-workers , and. The Big Bang Theory cast at 2009, from left: , , , , and Over time, several supporting characters have been introduced and promoted to starring roles, including coworker and romantic partner of Leonard , Sheldon's wife , Howard's wife , comic book store proprietor and friend of the other characters , and though the Emily character was introduced as a girlfriend for Raj and when those characters broke up Emily no longer appeared. The series also features numerous supporting characters, each of whom plays a prominent role in a. Included among them are parents of the main characters, their dates and their coworkers. Celebrities such as appear in cameo roles as themselves. Leonard Leakey Hofstadter is an with an of 173. Originally from , he received his PhD at age 24, spending at least some of his time at. He shared an apartment in with colleague and friend Dr. Sheldon Cooper until season 9. Unlike his equally geeky friends, Leonard is interested and quite adept in building interpersonal and social relationships with other people. Compared to his friends, he is relatively successful with women. The writers have toyed with a romance between him and next-door neighbor Penny since the series premiere, with their unresolved sexual tension being a major force for drama. Leonard dated Penny for most of season three, although they had dated briefly at the end of season one. Aside from Penny, Leonard has had romantic relationships with co-worker Leslie Winkle, physician Stephanie Barnett, an unnamed French literature PhD, and spy Joyce Kim. Following his break-up with Penny, Leonard began a relationship with Raj's sister Priya in season four, and it is implied they had a brief sexual encounter before the start of the series. The two attempted a long-distance relationship after Priya moved back to , but Leonard eventually broke up with her in season five after she admitted to cheating on him with her former boyfriend. Over the next two years, they talk about marriage and each have unsuccessful proposals until the penultimate episode of season seven, when they become engaged, and finally get married in the ninth-season premiere, followed with a wedding redo for their friends and families since the couple had eloped. In season 10, after Sheldon moves in with Amy, Leonard and Penny have apartment 4A to themselves. Leonard's family includes other accomplished scientists: his mother, Dr. Beverly Hofstadter, is a and world-renowned , his sister is a , and his father, Dr. Alfred Hofstadter, is an. Also, his brother Michael is a Harvard law professor. He is known to be , and is also known for playing the cello. Sheldon Sheldon Lee Cooper is a , possessing a , , , a , and an of 187. Born in , he was a , as he had received his PhD at age 16. He is usually cold, self-centered, condescending, and immature, but at the same time it is commonly not intentionally hurtful and is in a well-meaning way; he just does not know any better. He does have a softer side, as he does care about his friends, and loves his mom, grandma, and girlfriend Amy, though he often insults them either about their intellect levels or different opinions. He shares an apartment in with friend and fellow physicist Dr. Sheldon has a deep love and interest for science fiction and comic books, to the point of an obsession, and shows particular affinity for , from the franchise. He usually wears tee shirts emblazoned with logos for these interests as well as science-related designs. Sheldon refrains from any form of physical contact if possible and exhibits a strict adherence to routines to the point of exhibiting signs of. Amy confirms his disorder in the ninth season. Any disruption to routines distresses him enormously. A running gag has him always knocking on doors in a pattern of three knocks and one call repeated three times, which he has the urge to complete no matter what. Sheldon has major difficulties in social settings; he shows great difficulty in identifying sarcasm and irony, and a recurring topic is his efforts to acquire those skills. His commitment to his friends is often called into question, as he is known for constantly and consistently being condescending and rude, many times even without being intentionally hurtful. He also has difficulties lying or keeping a secret, giving himself away with wild facial tics and implausible statements. Sheldon has a and makes no effort to hide his contempt for other people's lower intellects, often making highly inappropriate comments. A common joke is his inability to drive, relying on those around him to help him get anywhere. Unlike Leonard and Raj, who come from intellectual families, Sheldon stands out from his own relatives. His father, George, whose death antedates the series, is described as a stereotypical Texan who liked , , and heavy drinking; his mother, Mary, is a devout Evangelical Christian, who does not seem to understand her son's fields of study, although she does display common sense and intelligence; his twin sister, Missy, and brother, George Jr. His sister later has a baby boy, making Sheldon an uncle. He meets Amy Farrah Fowler in the third-season finale and starts a highly unusual and slowly evolving relationship with her. Prior to this, he had exhibited some affinities with Leonard's equally unemotional mother. In the tenth season, Sheldon and Amy move-in together for a five-week experiment to test their compatibility and later decide to make the arrangement permanent. At the end of that same season, admirer Ramona Nowitzki makes a romantic overture to Sheldon prompting him to propose to Amy. In the finale of season eleven, Sheldon and Amy get married with officiating the ceremony. Penny Penny Hofstadter maiden name has not been revealed , is Leonard and Sheldon's neighbor across the hallway. Originally from a small town outside , she was a waitress and occasional bartender at the local until season seven, and is an aspiring actress. She is kind-hearted, outgoing, and does display the most common sense out of all the original five main characters. She also appears to be the most street-smart. Her lack of educational qualifications she dropped out of community college are a constant source of disparaging comments from Sheldon. She has dated several men during the course of the series, including Kurt, Stuart, and Zack, but her recurring romantic interest is Leonard. Leonard pursued Penny during season one; they dated briefly at the start of season two, which led to some awkwardness; they began dating again and were a couple for most of season three, but she ended the relationship after he told her he loved her and she was not ready to reciprocate. After several unsuccessful proposals from both sides, Penny realizes that her happiness is derived from her relationship with Leonard and they become engaged and later get married, though they upset their families by eloping, so they later have a wedding redo. She has a tense relationship with Sheldon, whose nerdy and obstinate personality often exasperates her, but they are ultimately good friends, helping each other in various situations. By season four, Penny also begins to socialize more with Bernadette and Amy, who frequently visit Penny's apartment, go out together, and comfort each other. Bernadette and Amy are both simultaneously envious of and threatened by Penny's more outgoing personality. At the start of season eight, Penny pursues a career in pharmaceuticals and interviews for a job at Bernadette's workplace. She gets the job, and gradually becomes more independent, including earning a higher salary than Leonard. She reveals in season nine that she is not happy with her job, but insists on keeping it to help her eliminate her former credit card debts and secure a good financial future. In season 10, Leonard and Penny are finally living alone in apartment 4A after Sheldon moves in with Amy. Initially, not much is known about Penny's family, but it is mentioned in the series that her father, Wyatt portrayed by , raised her like a boy, her mother smoked marijuana while she was pregnant with her, her sister shot her husband while they were intoxicated, and her brother is a dealer. Her mother, Susan , and brother, Randall , are finally seen in the first episode of. In a later episode, Penny bumped into her former boyfriend Zach and showed her ability to talk about topics related to Science and pronounce scientific terms perfectly. Howard Howard Joel Wolowitz, is an at Caltech's Department of , who often hangs out at Leonard and Sheldon's apartment. Unlike Sheldon, Leonard, and Raj, Howard has no doctorate, and often gets disparaged as a result, especially by Sheldon. He defends this by pointing out that he has a master's degree in Engineering from and that the equipment he designs is launched into space, unlike the theoretical work of his friends. In the fifth-season finale, Howard goes to the on. Howard lives in with his domineering, belittling, and unseen mother, who treats him like a child. While he sometimes expresses irritation at this treatment, for the most part, he appears to prefer it. Howard dotes on his mother and participates in many of her daily routines. A recurring gimmick in the series is Howard and his mother communicating with each other from different rooms by yelling, a habit which Bernadette also adopts in later episodes. His father left them when he was 11, and Howard gets visibly distressed when the subject comes up. Howard fancies himself a ladies' man and attempts whenever a woman is present, which often sound inappropriate and disgusting, although he has dropped this habit since he started going out with Bernadette. He is Jewish, but is not serious about his faith, and does not keep. However, he does observe the and the. In the pilot episode, he speaks English, French, Mandarin, Russian, Arabic, and Persian, along with fictional constructed or colangs languages like and. Howard suffers from asthma, transient idiopathic arrhythmia, allergies to peanuts, almonds, and walnuts, and is prone to canker sores and pink eye. Howard dated Bernadette briefly in season three. After some difficulties, they resumed their relationship in season four, which culminated in their engagement. In the fifth-season finale, Howard and Bernadette are married on the roof of the apartment building shortly before he has to leave for Kazakhstan, where he is to be sent to the International Space Station. In season six, he finally leaves his mother's house and moves into Bernadette's apartment. Stuart, the owner of the guys' favorite comic book store, joins them, much to their annoyance. Upon learning that Bernadette is pregnant in season nine, Howard panics about handling the impending baby, particularly earning enough money. With the help of his friends, he designs a new form of guidance system that attracts the attention of the. In season 11, Howard learns that Bernadette is pregnant again. Which leads him to gain more maturity and he deals with life's challenges better. He is from , , and works in the physics department at Caltech, where his area of expertise is. He lives in an apartment in Pasadena. As with his friends, he is mutually involved with and obsessed with science fiction and comic books in general. He is also a and , but appreciates the Indian lullabies his mother sang and the catchiness of phrases. Raj is a and believes in , but eats beef. He is very shy around women outside of his family, and during the first six seasons of the show, found himself unless he drank , or. When Penny, Amy, and Bernadette were around, Raj usually whispered what he wanted to say to Howard or Leonard, who then repeated or responded to what Raj said aloud. Despite this, Raj has sometimes ended up in bed with women, leaving the other characters perplexed. Unlike his friends, Raj has many feminine interests, such as reading comics and and watching such as. A recurring joke in the series has people, including his parents and Leonard's mother, speculating that Raj might be due to his feminine interests and his close friendship with Howard, with whom he has arguments similar to those of a married couple. However, Raj has always stated that he is , but. He has had an infatuation with Penny, and secretly wrote love poems about Bernadette. Raj comes from a very wealthy family in India, and often communicates with his parents, Dr. He has a younger sister, Priya. In season six, Raj started seeing a shy and sweet woman named Lucy, who had many things in common with Raj. However, she feels too pressured when he asks her to meet his friends and breaks-up with him. Afterwards, Raj finally speaks to Penny without having consumed alcohol. As of season seven, he no longer requires alcohol, drugs, or medication to speak in front of women. In season seven, Raj starts dating Emily Sweeney, a dermatologist, and their relationship becomes exclusive at the end of the seventh season. However, in season ten, he mentions he is currently single. After his parents divorced, Raj's father ended his financial support and he was forced to move into Leonard and Penny's apartment. Due to friction between them, Raj moved into an apartment over Bert's garage. After starting to live on his own and learning to manage his own finances, Raj has finally started to work at the Observatory where his expertise is more highlighted. This also paved the way for Raj to gain more confidence and become more mature. He has learned to demand more respect from Howard. Leslie Winkle, PhD is an experimental physicist who works in the same lab as Leonard. In appearance, she is essentially Leonard's female counterpart, equipped with the black-framed glasses and sweat jackets. She also happens to have a. Leslie had casual sexual relationships with both Leonard and Howard, considering it a completely physical reaction to her body's cycles. She is one of Sheldon's arch-enemies, due to their conflicting scientific theories. However, Sheldon did gain a small victory over her when he caused her and Leonard's break up after deliberately instigating an argument between the two. Sara Gilbert made her first appearance in the third episode of season one and her final appearance as a regular in the third-season finale; reported in January 2009 that she had been downgraded from starring status to recurring because the producers of the series were unable to come up with new storylines for the character. Leslie showed up again at Sheldon's Birthday party in a later season. Bernadette Bernadette Maryann Rostenkowski-Wolowitz, PhD is originally a waitress and co-worker of Penny's at , using her wages to pay for her in. She is a smart, short-tempered, ruthless, and often competitive young woman who sometimes displays a sweet, nice, and friendly personality. Despite her squeaky voice, she has a darker side. A recurring joke in the series is in reference to Bernadette and her lab team handling dangerous or infectious specimens, leading to accidental byproducts or exposure to diseases, in some cases resulting in Bernadette being quarantined. Bernadette is of origin and upbringing, and was originally seen wearing a cross necklace. She frequently people, often pretending to be a friendly and good-natured individual, quickly making friends with Penny and Amy, as well as the rest of the gang. Despite her short stature, she is regarded as being somewhat intimidating, largely because of her sharp tongue, aggressive demeanor, and occasional signs of mania. Bernadette has demonstrated that she has some influence over both her father and her husband, including directly supervising Howard's expenditures by giving him allowance money. On one occasion, she was also able to influence Sheldon into a decision of which he originally disapproved. Penny first introduced Bernadette to Howard on Leonard's half-willing request. During their first date, Bernadette and Howard do not find any common field of interest until they discover that they both have domineering mothers. After their third date, Bernadette declares that three dates is the threshold for deciding whether they want a long-term relationship. Blindsided, Howard hesitates initially, causing a temporary rift between them, but then impulsively proposes marriage to show her that he does care about her. Frustrated, she declines, but when he sings a heartfelt song for her at the Cheesecake Factory, she declares that it is the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for her and their relationship continues. A lengthy offscreen breakup occurs when she catches Howard engaging in , but Howard apologizes and she consents to resuming their relationship. In the fourth season, she obtains her doctorate and is subsequently hired by a pharmaceutical company that offers her a high salary. While preparing for their wedding, Bernadette is shocked and repulsed when she learns about Howard's past sexual escapades, although once again, an apology and reconciliation occurs in the same episode. They marry the day before Howard leaves for his upcoming mission aboard the. During seasons six and seven, the newlyweds deal with Howard's difficulty in readjusting to life on Earth, the struggle to keep a healthy relationship with Howard's mother, and arguments over money. She comically reveals that the baby was conceived in Sheldon's bed, much to Sheldon's chagrin. Raj learns about the baby's gender and inadvertently reveals that the child is a girl. In season 11, Bernadette learns that she is again pregnant, while Howard is telling her Sheldon and Amy got engaged. Her doctor puts her on six-months bed rest, which makes her fond of watching detective and criminal-themed TV shows. Amy Amy Farrah Fowler, PhD is a neuroscientist and Sheldon's love interest in the series. She has a PhD in neurobiology Bialik herself has a PhD in neuroscience , with a research focus on addiction in primates and invertebrates, occasionally mentioning such experiments as getting a addicted to cigarettes or starfish addicted to cocaine. Raj and Howard found Amy through an online dating site after secretly establishing an account using Sheldon's name and information. The site matches her to Sheldon, and the two share many similar traits. The two initially communicate by computer, but at the encouragement of the group, she starts socializing with the gang in person. Earlier in the series, in the physics bowl episode, Leonard's team mentions getting the girl from the Blossom TV series on their team as she earned a Ph. This was Mayim Bialik who later played Amy Farrah Fowler. Early on, Amy is essentially a female counterpart to Sheldon. She is coldly rational, displays little emotion, and is awkward in social situations ranging from endearing to embarrassing. Later in the season, Amy begins a campaign to increase Sheldon's feelings for her by becoming more involved in his interests, including video games and , and treating him as his mother did. Sheldon says during Howard and Bernadette's wedding ceremony that he hopes the two of them are as happy together as he is alone, hurting Amy's feelings, but he spontaneously takes her hand for comfort later as Howard is launched into space. By the beginning of season six, they are regularly holding hands at Amy's insistence, but Sheldon repeatedly resists all of her attempts to engage in further physical intimacy. By mid-season, Sheldon gets some intimate views of Amy when he cares for her while she has the flu, pushing him further toward a traditional relationship with her. She also provides Sheldon with consoling hugs, and receives a slap on the rear by an intoxicated Sheldon who tells everyone that she is a great gal. Amy tries to move into Sheldon's apartment when Leonard temporarily vacates it, but is unsuccessful in her attempt. Sheldon, after being prodded by Barry Kripke about his girlfriend, lies that he is having sex with Amy, though he admits to Penny that he and Amy may actually engage in sex. Sheldon later makes the same admission to Amy, while engaging in intercourse game play. Nevertheless, her frustration is frequently played for laughs from that point onward. Early in their relationships, Amy was ambivalent and often condescending towards Penny and Bernadette, she later spends more time with them, even at the expense of her time with Sheldon. As her appearances have progressed, she has shed her strident, aloof personality for a stereotypically feminine and social one, although she retains some social awkwardness. Her feelings for Sheldon have also grown considerably over time, and she considers him to be ideal in almost every way, though she sometimes becomes as annoyed and frustrated by Sheldon's quirks as his other friends do. Amy also intensely wants her relationship with Sheldon to progress to include sexual intimacy, a drastic departure from her early days as a member of the circle of friends. Amy also often demonstrates an infatuation towards Penny, occasionally bordering on physical attraction, and she has demonstrated a somewhat condescending attitude towards Bernadette, though still considers her a close friend. Amy can play the harp. Sheldon had intended to propose to Amy, but she took a break from the relationship before he could ask her. Amy ultimately breaks-up with Sheldon after a serious disagreement, but they slowly rekindle their relationship and eventually have sex as a birthday present from Sheldon. When Sheldon's grandmother visits in season nine, she confronts Amy for hurting Sheldon and unintentionally reveals the secret engagement ring in his possession. Although Amy was initially shocked, she became really happy to know that Sheldon loves her enough to have considered taking that step forward in their relationship. Amy later prepares a surprise birthday party for Sheldon, which he has not previously celebrated with the group. After a plumbing accident makes her apartment uninhabitable in season 10, Sheldon and Amy embark on a five-week experiment living together to test their compatibility. Amy later admits she lied about how long the repairs were taking so that she could continue living with Sheldon. They eventually move into Penny's old apartment together, while Penny moves in with Leonard. Later, they decide to make the arrangement permanent. Amy is later offered a three-month course at a science camp in New Jersey and leaves with Sheldon's encouragement. She becomes angry when she learns of Sheldon spending time with Ramona Nowitzki, who she suspects has romantic feelings for Sheldon which she does. In the season finale, after Ramona kisses Sheldon, he visits Amy and proposes to her. The episode ends on a awaiting her answer. She and Sheldon marry in the season 11 finale. Stuart Stuart David Bloom runs the Comic Center in Pasadena, the comic book store that the men visit. Stuart is characterized by his low self-esteem and loneliness, which often result in pathetic attempts to engage with women and win favor with the main cast. This is despite owning his own albeit troubled business, and being a talented portraiture artist who attended the. During Stuart's first appearances in season 2, he shows enough social skills to ask Penny on a date on two occasions, though neither ends successfully. In season five, Stuart goes on a date with Amy, but Sheldon interrupts the date to solidify his relationship with her. Stuart was the partner of in a tournament in which they defeated the team of Raj and Sheldon. As proprietor of a comic-book store, Stuart has an almost encyclopedic knowledge of comic books and superheroes. When Howard returns, Sheldon wants to dismiss Stuart from the group, but Raj objects. Leonard tie-breaks on the basis that they are receiving a 20% discount in Stuart's store, and Sheldon relents after Stuart offers to go as high as 30%, thereby becoming a bigger and more prominent part of the core group. Stuart actually got angry and told Sheldon it was clear they didn't even see him as a friend, leading Sheldon to sincerely apologize and try harder to be nice to Stuart for a period. Stuart is also limited vis-à-vis the group because he is a lot like Raj, a mostly-single guy around three couples, but Raj is best friends with Howard and closer friends with the others than Stuart. After his comic-book store is destroyed in a fire, Howard offers him a place to stay and a job as his mother, Debbie's, nurse. Stuart likes the job and develops a surprising closeness with Debbie, even staying long after she recovers, to Howard's annoyance. After Debbie's death, Howard and Bernadette move back into the house, with Stuart still staying. In the eighth-season finale, the two attempt to ask Stuart to move out, but are unable to bring themselves to do it after Stuart reveals it is his birthday. He eventually makes his own decision to move in the middle of season 9; however in the middle of season 10, he reveals that he has been evicted from his apartment and tries to use his helping with Howard and Bernadette's baby to move back in with them, much to Raj's chagrin. He does not always appear with the main group, as he was somehow not at Howard and Bernadette's during the birth of their 2nd child Neil. Kevin Sussman was a recurring guest actor from seasons two to five, and was promoted to starring role for the sixth season onwards. In season 11, Stuart becomes a live-in domestic to Howard and Bernadette, helping with household chores. During that season, he hires a woman named Denise , at his shop, and becomes attracted to her. In the season 11 finale, Denise is his date to Sheldon and Amy's wedding, where she exhibits an attraction to Stuart when he displays a superior level of knowledge of Star Wars trivia to , who is performing the ceremony. In the season 12 premiere, they are revealed to have made out at the ceremony, and have their first date at the end of that episode. Emily Emily Sweeney, , is a at , whom Raj finds on an online dating site. Emily went to Harvard and is shown to have a slightly alarming personality trait; she delights in the. In season seven, after finding Emily's online dating profile, Raj has Amy contact her. Amy and Emily exchange emails and find they have a lot in common. Emily does not like Raj's inability to correspond with her directly; but, when he does agree to meet her, he acts weirdly and she leaves. Raj later bumps into Emily and apologizes for their previous encounter. She gives him another chance and agrees to go out to dinner with him. Upon meeting Emily, Howard recognizes her from a blind date they had sometime before he met Bernadette. The blind date ended badly, causing him embarrassment at the dinner, but no issues. Later, she visits him to talk and reveals that the guy was her tattoo artist who had been asking her out for weeks and she did so just to end the obligation. Emily then spends the night; and, in the next episode, Raj reveals to the gang that Emily and he are exclusive. In season eight, Raj introduces Emily to Leonard and Penny; however, Penny senses that Emily does not like her. Emily reveals that she is uncomfortable with the fact that Raj and Penny previously kissed. Emily and Penny later sit down to settle their differences, with mixed results. Emily continues to socialize with the gang in season 8, and in the finale, she suggests to Raj that they have sex in a graveyard. Raj wonders whether he should break up with her because of her alarming personality. The next season, Raj somewhat rashly breaks up with Emily after meeting another girl, Claire, and fantasizing about starting a family with her, though Claire makes amends with her boyfriend and berates Raj for his actions. He tries to reconcile with Emily, but she shuts the door in his face. Later in the season, Emily and Raj reconcile after a tearful phone call. However, in season 10, Raj mentions that he is currently single. He and Howard invite Emily, Claire, Lucy, and Emily the deaf woman to Raj's apartment for an intervention to find out why women keep dumping Raj. Emily mentions that, although she enjoyed her sexual relationship with Raj, she was put off by his fear of his parents. Laura Spencer was a recurring guest actress on the series in seasons seven and eight. Alex Jensen is a Caltech graduate student who appears in season six. Sheldon hires her to review his kindergarten and elementary-school notebooks for any possible Nobel Prize-winning research and attend to the tasks that Sheldon perceives a waste of his own valuable time. Amy is at first jealous until she sees Alex instead flirting with an unresponsive Leonard. After repeated attempts by Alex, Leonard finally realizes that Alex is making advances toward him. While proclaiming his loyalty to Penny, Leonard is flattered. Sheldon interferes with the perceived intention of mitigating a situation that needed none by lecturing Alex, but only succeeds in insulting her. After Alex files a sexual harassment complaint, Sheldon is forced to apologize and is ordered take a university-mandated online sexual-harassment course. Because Sheldon considers his own time as too valuable to waste on it, Sheldon asks Alex to take the course instead. For Valentine's Day, Sheldon sends Alex out to buy a present for Amy, which he likes so much, he keeps. Arthur Jeffries Arthur Jeffries, or Professor Proton is the star of a science show that Sheldon and Leonard watched as children. After the show was cancelled, Jeffries was not taken seriously as a scientist and resorted to doing children's parties as his persona. Later, Jeffries has a heart attack as a result of climbing the apartment stairs with his equipment. While Sheldon idolizes him, Jeffries is constantly irritated by Sheldon's personality, and takes a shine to Penny. After Nye abandons Sheldon and files for a restraining order against him, Jeffries arrives at Sheldon and Leonard's apartment and asks Sheldon for his advice on his paper although Sheldon already hacked his email account and read it for himself. Sheldon immediately pretends like he does not care and refuses to go to the funeral. Jeffries appears to Sheldon in a dream, where Sheldon compares him to , dressing him in Jedi robes and making him appear as a Force ghost. When Sheldon asks for his wisdom, Jeffries tells Sheldon to appreciate everything in life, including his friends, and never take it for granted. After hearing Professor Proton's words, Sheldon decides to prove his devotion to Amy by finally having sex with her, as she has been hoping he will do for the past few years. Some time later, after Sheldon takes Amy to see The Force Awakens, Jeffries returns to Sheldon to ask him about his first sexual experience with her, but Sheldon thinks Jeffries is talking about the film and tells him he enjoyed it. For his role as Jeffries, in 2013, Newhart won his first. Newhart plays the same character on. Barry Kripke Barry Kripke, PhD is a co-worker of the guys, who frequently clashes with Sheldon. Until season seven, whether he was aware of his impediment was never clarified. In his first appearance, he pits his robot, the Kripke Krippler, against the men's robot, M. The guys lose to Kripke, and M. In season five, Kripke and Sheldon battle over a retired professor's office; but, after a long sports contest, Kripke loses to Sheldon. He is later invited to Howard's bachelor party, where he uses his turn toasting to complain that no strippers are at the party. In season six, Kripke and Sheldon are forced to work together on a proposal involving fusion reactors, which involves an exchange of work. Sheldon is shocked to discover that Kripke's work is more advanced than his own, and he tearfully admits as much to Amy. Kripke assumes that Sheldon is in a sexual relationship with Amy and that has led to his work quality declining, and Sheldon does not deny it although this appears to be just a convenient excuse since his work is inferior to Kripke's. Kripke also battles for tenure alongside Sheldon, Leonard, and Raj. In season nine, Kripke calls Sheldon and Amy's live show Fun with Flags along with Raj and directs the conversation to irrelevant questions to the show. He also uses the show to call out for potential romantic relationships and asked Amy questions about her love life when Sheldon and she broke up. He attends Sheldon's birthday party and constantly hits on Leonard's mother, Beverly. Bert brings Amy interesting and beautiful rocks every day. It takes Howard and Raj to point out that he likes her. Bert then asks her to a and show, which she declines because she has a boyfriend. When Bert starts talking about how no one wants to do anything with him, Amy in a fit of sympathy agrees to go. Unfortunately, Bert is taking it as a date. Raj and Howard offer to talk to him to let him down easy, and they end up going with him to the show. He tried to crash their date, and Raj sent him away. His name was not mentioned in the plot, but the closing credits gave the name Bert. He feels that Amy is the coolest girl at work and that Sheldon is cool only because he is dating Amy. As the girls are leaving, he tells them that he is in love with both of them. He mentions that a girlfriend he was living with once moved out and took all his best rocks. When Sheldon finally confronts him over this, Bert points out that the theoretical physicist has his friends and Amy to be happy about. He later accompanies Sheldon to to make peace. His full name is shown in his award. By the end of season 10, Raj moves into the apartment over Bert's garage. After breaking-up with her, Bert instantly regrets it and buys expensive gifts to successfully win her back. And at the episode, he is revealed to have won her back. Beverly Hofstadter Beverly Hofstadter is Leonard's , unloving, and overly analytical mother. Beverly is a , as well as a. She is Sheldon's female equivalent regarding neurotically strict , lack of respect for , and compulsive attention to detail. The only reason she had children was to use them as personal experiments for her research, so was very distant and unmotherly towards Leonard. Beverly mentions that Leonard's brother and sister are more successful in their respective fields than he is, though she respects this enough to keep contact with them unlike Leonard ; she is not proud, since they are not her accomplishments. One of her famous books is Needy Baby, Greedy Baby, in which she describes an infant's Leonard's unrealistic nurturing expectations. Sheldon often refers to her books when frustrated with Leonard's attempt to obtain some of his personal needs in their relationship. Leonard sees his mother as cold and not nurturing, even telling Penny that one time he made a just to get hugs and that his father asked to borrow it. In season three, Beverly comes to visit at Christmas, where she reveals that she is divorcing her husband, Alfred, after she caught him in bed with another woman. Despite Leonard's reluctance to tell Beverly about his and Penny's relationship, Penny takes her to the Cheesecake Factory for a round of drinks and reveals their relationship. After Beverly gropes a , she and Penny both go to and then return to Leonard and Sheldon's apartment where she confronts Leonard on not telling him about Penny, and then is confronted by him for not being a loving and caring mother for him. After Beverly tries to show motherly affection by hugging Leonard, she kisses a shocked Sheldon and leaves. The next morning, a hungover Beverly gives her blessing to Leonard and Penny's relationship and vows not to reveal her drunken kiss with Sheldon, wanting to work instead on her maternal relationship with Leonard. In season seven, Leonard uses Beverly's latest book to get sympathy from Penny. However, Bernadette finds out from Howard what Leonard is doing and tells Penny, who calls Beverly, leaving a briefly pantsless Leonard to chat with his mother on. Leonard later informs his mother of his engagement to Penny, but she reveals that Sheldon already told her. She decides to accept his engagement with Penny because Sheldon likes her. In season eight, Beverly comes to visit to see Leonard receive an award, where she meets Sheldon's mother, Mary. The mothers get into an argument after Beverly describes Mary's religious beliefs as a superstition, and Mary, in turn, berates Beverly for her cold and distant attitude towards Leonard. Beverly later reflects with Sheldon that perhaps other ways exist to raise children than she did. The mothers make up and Beverly tries to show affection by hugging Leonard, though it is awkward for both of them. In season nine, she attends Sheldon's birthday party and enjoys a proposition from Barry Kripke. Later, she returns for a visit to interview people for her new book, and spends her time bonding with Amy and Bernadette, frustrating Penny's attempts to bond with her. When Penny confronts her for this, she admits that she feels insulted about not being invited to her son's wedding. Penny suggests doing a second wedding ceremony for her, which she accepts and the two finally bond. She is unhappy about her ex-husband, Alfred, attending since their marriage ended due to his affair, and is even angrier when Alfred and Mary Cooper display mutual attraction and leave the rehearsal dinner together. Beverly and Alfred argue all night and Beverly once again quarrels with Mary. At the ceremony, she agrees with Alfred that Leonard was the best thing to come out of their relationship. In season 11, Beverly begins talking to Penny as a friend and confidant, troubling Leonard, especially when he learns that Beverly told Penny that she is proud of her, a level of praise she never bestowed upon Leonard himself. When Leonard confronts Beverly, he is touched when she says that of all of her children's spouses, Penny is the one she is most impressed by, and that for this, she is indeed proud of him. For her role as Beverly, in both 2009 and 2010, Baranski was nominated for an for. Claire Claire is a writer for a children's science fiction series whom Raj and Howard meet in the comic book store in season 9. Claire wants to collaborate with Raj on the science portions of a movie script. When Raj reveals to her that he has a girlfriend, Emily, she assures him that she is only interested in his technical assistance, and they can still meet as friends. However, Raj develops visions of marriage and children with Claire. After Raj breaks up with Emily, he calls Claire on Valentine's Day, only to learn that she has just got back together with her boyfriend. Later, however, she asks Raj out for a drink after she has again broken up with her boyfriend. However, Raj is on his way to reunite with Emily, and chooses to be with her. However, Raj later starts seeing Claire again while at the same time dating Emily. She and Raj continue to date, but they keep their relationship casual with no commitment. When she meets Raj's friends, Claire begins to realize that Raj has been dating multiple women, and successfully tricks him into admitting it. In season 10, Raj reveals that he is now single, having broken up with both Emily and Claire at the ladies' behest. Later in the season, when Raj tries to figure out what is wrong with himself, Claire accepts an invitation to Raj's apartment, where she meets his previous girlfriends. Claire reveals that she broke up with Raj after finding him too needy and vain and declares that she is now in a better relationship. Penny realizes that the interview is not going well so she ends it and starts to leave. As a favor, she asks Dan not to tell Bernadette how badly she did because she is kind of scared of her. Dan says that he thought he was the only one who was scared of her. They start to bond, agreeing that Bernadette is something of a bully. Dan comments that she has that squeaky little voice, and that everyone else thinks she is SO nice. He had to cut one of Bernadette's research programs, but was too scared of her to do it. Dan and Penny both agree not to tell Bernadette about the results of the interview. Later Bernadette is talking to Howard at home, and tells him that it is hard to believe, but Penny got the job. She feels that it is because Dan really loves her. Dan is still afraid of Bernadette, and tells the story of how she yelled at him and his grandson after they lost the three-legged race at the company picnic. His grandson called her the mean kid with the big boobies. Bernadette is horrified when she realizes how everyone perceives her. Her father had taught her to be tough and she can be cruel with some of her comments without even knowing it. She says she thought she was the sweetest person she knew, and should be in a tree baking cookies like a elf. She goes to apologize to Dan and discovers that, owing to everyone's fear of her, they have been paying for her daily coffee even after the company stopped doing so something they accomplished with a swear jar kept for Bernadette's sake ; and have given her the private use of a toilet that was meant for everyone. She now feels like she has to leave the company and starts crying. Desperate for her to stop, Dan promises to keep paying for her coffee, and even offers to get her an. Bernadette has found a new way to get what she wants. Dave Gibbs Dave Gibbs is a tall British man who dates Amy after she breaks up with Sheldon. Dave is recently divorced because his wife left him for a French chef. When her friends try to find Amy a date on a dating , they see a text message from Dave, and Amy reveals they have already gone out together for coffee. Sheldon is about to propose to Amy for closure when he sees Amy and Dave share a kiss after their date. When Amy and Dave later go out again for dinner while Penny, Bernadette, and a reluctant Leonard spy on them , he shows an unusual fascination with Sheldon, which discomforts Amy. He considers Sheldon and Leonard to be physics superstars and idolizes them. He later gets an opportunity to meet Leonard and shake his hand after Leonard has to relieve himself while spying on their date, and with great excitement, Dave announces that he will never again wash his hand. After Sheldon rejects Amy's proposal that they be a couple again, Amy once again tries dinner with Dave, who goes out of his way to refrain from mentioning Sheldon, knowing how uncomfortable that subject made her previously. Sheldon then suddenly arrives and professes his love to Amy, and the two mend their relationship, leaving Dave to awkwardly excuse himself and invite Sheldon to meet again on his way out. Eric Gablehauser Eric Gablehauser is the head of the Physics Department, the group's boss at the university. When he first starts working at the university, he fires Sheldon after Sheldon insults his intelligence. Eventually, Gablehauser rehires Sheldon after he and Sheldon's mother display a mutual romantic interest. Gablehauser later hosts the Physics Bowl, and gives Raj attention when he is featured in a article for discovering a planet. Koothrappali is Raj's father in India. His wife and he communicate with their son via Skype and constantly try to arrange dates for him. They want their son to marry a woman of Indian descent, and give them grandchildren. Although in many episodes Raj mentions that he grew up in poverty, his friends remind him of the contrary by pointing out that Dr. Koothrappali is a , drives a , and employs servants. In one such episode, Raj replies that the Bentley is leased and there are only four servants in his family home, two of whom are. Koothrappali enjoys reruns, which are apparently new to India. Other than Raj, he also maintains contact with their daughter Priya via Skype whenever she is out of India. In season four, Dr. Koothrappali becomes angry with Leonard when he learns that his daughter, Priya, is dating Leonard without his knowledge. The Koothrappalis go through a rough patch in their marriage, culminating in them separating in season eight around the time of their 40th wedding anniversary, with Dr. Koothrappali moving out and Mrs. Koothrappali setting fire to his car. Koothrappali makes his first physical appearance on the show in season eight, visiting the main characters at a Christmas party after the divorce. Koothrappali later cuts off Raj financially when he buys a helicopter drone, but Raj manages to turn the situation around by pitting his father against his mother. He also asks his father to give advice to a nervous, pregnant Bernadette. Koothrappali is Raj's mother in India. She enjoys reruns, which are apparently new to India. Other than Raj, she also maintains contact with Priya via video chat whenever she is out of India. She also had some anger towards Leonard when it became apparent that he was dating Priya without her knowledge. Following their divorce in season eight, Raj mentions that his mother bought the book and used it to set fire to her ex-husband's car. Janine Davis Janine Davis is a human resources representative working at the university. She first appears in season six after Sheldon offends his assistant Alex while trying to solve a problem regarding her crush on Leonard, leaving Mrs. Davis to handle Alex's sexual-harassment complaint against Sheldon. In his attempt at defense, Sheldon rats out what he considers similar behavior by Raj, Howard, and Leonard, prompting Mrs. Davis to summon them to her office, as well. Davis later serves on the committee that is considering Raj, Sheldon, Leonard, and Kripke for a vacant tenured position, causing each of them to try to win her favor. Sheldon, in his effort to earn the position, offends her once again by giving her the box set for the miniseries. Despite this, Sheldon is still short-listed for tenure, even if he offends Mrs. Davis yet again by giving her what he thinks is a traditional handshake originating in African American communities. In season seven, Mrs. Davis says that she is recently divorced because her husband cheated on her, and Raj attempts to strike up a conversation with her at a university mixer. After offending her, Raj apologizes, and the two talk about their troubles. Following the mixer, while Raj is insistent that Mrs. Davis makes another appearance in season 8, where she informs Sheldon that he has to teach a class as a junior professor, and in season 11, has to deal with Leonard after he gives an embarrassing interview on the radio about the university. Kurt Kurt is a tall, intimidating bodybuilder and Penny's ex-boyfriend at the beginning of the series. In the pilot, Penny reveals that he cheated on her, and Leonard and Sheldon later go to his apartment and attempt to retrieve Penny's television set from him, but they were unsuccessful and Kurt apparently found them so irritating that they returned home. Kurt is invited to Penny's Halloween party, for which he dresses up as a caveman, where he has yet another run in with Leonard, who is dressed as a. That's how we roll in! Later, Penny reveals that Kurt visited her the next morning and paid her, in turn. However, much to Leonard's disappointment, Kurt never told Penny about Leonard's visit, and instead took the opportunity to ask Penny out for dinner. Lucy Lucy shows up at a party at the comic-book store on Valentine's Day at an event for people who had no dates. She has social anxiety issues, which allows Raj and her to connect. On their first date, she becomes so nervous that she goes to the bathroom and climbs out of the window to get away. Raj falls apart and refuses to leave his apartment; however, after apologizing to him, Lucy and Raj start afresh. Raj and Lucy have a date at a library and communicate by text messages, and at the end, she offers to kiss him, but chickens out at the last second. Lucy becomes nervous at the thought of meeting so many new people that Raj suggests she meet just one of his friends first, to which she agrees. Lucy meets Amy, but Raj pressures Lucy and upsets her. Lucy breaks up with Raj by an email, and afterwards a heartbroken Raj finally speaks to Penny without having consumed alcohol. Originally, Kate Micucci had been one of the actresses considered for the Amy Farrah Fowler character. In season seven, Penny meets Lucy at the Cheesecake Factory and confronts her about her breakup with Raj, and later Lucy arranges to meet with Raj to apologize to him for breaking up with him via email. This leads Raj to believe the two of them will get back together, but Lucy tells him she is with someone else. Although she is not seen, Lucy later texts Raj saying that she misses him and wants to get back together, but after finding out that he is also dating Emily, Lucy rebuffs Raj. Lucy appears in season 10, where Raj invites her to his apartment along with his other ex-girlfriends to find out why he is still single. Lucy mentions that she is now in a better relationship. Mary Cooper Mary née Tucker Cooper is Sheldon's loving, caring and religious mother and a from Texas. She has two other children besides Sheldon; Sheldon's twin sister, Missy, and his brother George, who is shown via a family tree to be three or four years older than Sheldon and Missy. Her husband, a rambunctious , was also named George, but he died when Sheldon was still a boy. She also struggles to follow her beliefs sometimes. When Penny and Sheldon engaged in a fierce dispute, Penny called for Mary's help, who subsequently called and scolded Sheldon about his actions. Leonard wishes his mother were as loving as Sheldon's mother, although Sheldon himself appears at best ambivalent about her parenting. Sheldon once mentions that Mary once hit him with a Bible because he refused to eat his Brussels sprouts. In her first visit, Leonard calls Mary to intervene when Sheldon is fired for being disrespectful to his new boss, Dr. She manages to convince Sheldon to apologize and he gets his job back, and she becomes romantically interested in Dr. Gablehauser going to be my new daddy? In season three, after returning from the North Pole, Sheldon returns to his home in Texas after the other guys tampered with his research. Mary calls the guys and they come to fetch Sheldon. Sheldon initially refuses to leave, although after an argument with his mother about , Sheldon decides to leave. Mary uses to get Sheldon to reconcile with Amy. In season seven, Sheldon returns to Texas to assist Mary in the birth of his twin sister's baby. Howard later takes Sheldon to see Mary after visiting headquarters, but flees after Sheldon sees her having sex. Sheldon returns and gets into an argument, and is sent to his room. After Howard tells him about how he drove away an admirer of his mother, Sheldon apologizes to Mary, saying that he will accept her choices on the outside while condemning her internally for being a hypocrite by going against her religious beliefs. In season 8, Mary meets Dr. Beverly Hofstadter, Leonard's mother. The two very different women start out as civil, but later quickly come to clash as Beverly insults and belittles Mary strict religious beliefs, and Mary in turn derides Beverly's cold attitude. Mary is especially insulted when Beverly is left dumbstruck how a genius intellect like Sheldon could be born to a woman like her. After taking a break from each other, the two come to terms with the argument: Mary decides to forgive Beverly for her offhandish ways, and Beverly realizes there is more than one way to raise a child. The two mothers make up and Beverly tries unconditional love by trying an awkward hug with Leonard. In season nine, Sheldon calls her to tell her that Amy broke up with him and that he would like to send the family heirloom engagement ring back, but she advises him to hold on to it, just in case. She meets Leonard's father Alfred Hofstadter and the two get along great as they have each other's nice, gentle, and caring personalities, bonding over their mutual dislike of Beverly, and their admiration of each other's beliefs. The two of them end up fighting with Beverly at the restaurant during the pre-ceremony dinner and the two leave together and after finding out they are staying at the same hotel, they decide to share a cab and it is implied that the two hook up. Mary has argued with Leonard's mother, Beverly, over the fact she never nurtured Leonard properly the way she has with Sheldon, while Beverly has criticized her for her narrow-minded beliefs. A younger version of Mary played by Metcalf's real-life daughter is a main character in the prequel series. Mike Rostenkowski Mike Rostenkowski is Bernadette's father and a tough retired police officer. Before he is first seen, Bernadette establishes his personality by telling Howard a long list of subjects he cannot discuss with Mike, including , foreigners, homosexuals, and even Howard's Jewish identity. In his first appearance, he tells Howard, while he does not think highly of him, his respect for Howard grew when he learned he had been selected to become an astronaut. However, after Howard expresses his fears about not returning from space, Mike tells him not to worry as Bernadette will have no trouble finding another suitable bachelor if Howard dies in space, much to the future astronaut's dismay. In the season-five finale, Mike attends Howard and Bernadette's wedding and walks his daughter down the aisle. In season six, Howard and Mike are pushed into a fishing weekend by their spouses, but neither man really wants to go. Mike suggests that they go to a casino to shoot craps. In season seven, because his wife is out of town, Bernadette gets Mike to come to Howard's mother's house for Thanksgiving dinner, though he would rather watch football at home. Since Sheldon understands football from growing up with his father, Mike and Sheldon bond and drink heavily together. Mike mentions that Howard asked him to shoot him in the foot to avoid the first space mission, which Howard insists was a joke. In season nine, he comes to Howard and Bernadette's house since they are talking about renovating and he comes over to help. While Howard and he are busy under the foundations of the house, Mike asks Howard why he does not want kids, but Howard sets things straight when he tells Mike that it is actually Bernadette who does not want kids. Bernadette had lied to her father about not wanting kids because she did not want to disappoint him. Mike says he does not want to see her miss out since raising children was the most rewarding experience of his life, but Bernadette points out that her mother did everything while all Mike did was come home from work, sit on the couch, and drink beer, which is unrelated to raising kids. Defeated, Mike leaves, saying this is really a conversation for husband and wife and tells Bernadette if her mother asks, he was at the Wolowitz house until 10. President Siebert President Siebert is the president of the , is married and has a teenaged daughter. Siebert is often mentioned by Sheldon. A recurring gag is that Sheldon often calls or visits Siebert in the middle of the night to get information, and usually gets a bitter response. Siebert sends Sheldon on the expedition to the North Pole at the end of season two. In his first appearance, Siebert organizes a get-together with wealthy donors and faculty members to garner funds for the university's programs. He urges the guys to make an appearance to schmooze the donors so they will give to their projects. Seeing Sheldon's behavior toward the donors, he asks that he not appear again. In season five, Siebert forces Sheldon to use up his vacation days, and when Sheldon and Kripke battle for an office at the university, they interrupt Siebert at a urinal to get him to make a decision on who gets the office. Priya Koothrappali Priya Koothrappali is Raj's younger sister. Having graduated at the top of her class at the where like Leonard, her roommate was from Texas , she is one of the lead attorneys at India's biggest car company. In her first appearance, Priya has a two-day layover and comes to visit her brother. Leonard and she are revealed to have had a relationship five years earlier without her parents' or Raj's knowledge when she was in town, and that Leonard had been much more invested in the relationship than she was. Leonard even offered to relocate to New Delhi to be with her. He tries to keep their relationship a secret from the guys, but Sheldon discovers Priya in their apartment after spending the night together. Leonard eventually reveals to the rest of the guys that he spent the night with Priya, as he is unable to bear the burden of keeping the secret. It upsets Raj to know that his sister is having sex with one of his best friends sometimes in Raj's bed. Priya soon becomes jealous of Penny and asks Leonard to stop spending time with her, which causes Penny, Amy, and Bernadette to dislike her. Priya contests Sheldon's roommate agreement with Leonard, employing her legal background to deny Sheldon power over him, but Sheldon drafts a new agreement and blackmails Leonard into signing it by threatening to tell Priya's parents she is dating Leonard, which she cannot bear because they want her to date an Indian although her father would accept her dating Howard due to his belief that Jews are financially savvy and do not drink much. At the end of season four, it she is moving back to India and has not told Leonard, which Leonard interprets as the end of their relationship, leading him to expose their secret relationship to her parents. At Howard's suggestion, Leonard and Priya also attempt to simulate intercourse, but when it comes time for her to remove her clothing, Leonard's screen freezes up because of his exceeding the bandwidth. Leonard later manages to get cue cards to help himself with a seduction speech to Priya, but while delivering it to her, he inadvertently reveals to her parents that they are cyber-dating they were in the same room as she when he called , with them acidly asking for him to continue with the speech. When Priya states that they both messed up a little, Leonard retorts that while he messed up a little, she messed up a lot. She claims that it is not a competition, to which he replies that it is and that she won and he switches off his laptop. In the next episode, Leonard refers to himself as single, indicating that Priya and he have broken up as a result of their last conversation. In season 10, it is mentioned that out of the six Koothrappali children, only Raj is still single, indicating that Priya has married since her last appearance. Ramona Nowitzki Ramona Nowitzki, Ph. She meets Sheldon personally in the cafeteria and arranges to have dinner with him in his apartment. Where other people might be worried about such behavior being reminiscent of stalking, Sheldon reacts positively to Ramona by appreciating the fact that he is getting a free dinner. During their date, the rest of the gang is sitting on the couch as spectators of this strange turn of events. Unfortunately for Sheldon, she overdoes her insistence that Sheldon dedicate his time solely for work, depriving him of his favorite hobbies such as playing games, watching TV, and going for paintball with the guys. Even more unfortunately for Sheldon, he cannot seem to get rid of her, especially when she settles herself in his apartment. Ramona proves to be irritating for the entire group, especially when she assumes that Penny likes Sheldon. She still asks Penny to be sisters with her. She makes it difficult for anyone to communicate with him and scares them away. Eventually, Sheldon solves the problem he has been working on. Enthusiastic about his solution, he asks Ramona how he can reward her for all her help. Ramona reappears in the season 10 finale. She now has her Ph. Amy is away at , and the gang becomes worried for Sheldon because Ramona's crush on him begins again. She brings him meals, and eventually kisses him in his office. Finally aware of her advances, Sheldon makes an excuse to leave the office, and promptly flies to New Jersey where he proposes to Amy. In the first episode of season 11, Amy shocks Ramona by hugging her, as it was Ramona's advances that prompted Sheldon to propose. Ruchi Ruchi Swati Kapila ; is a new co-worker of Bernadette's at Zangen who first appears in season 11. Ruchi used to live in India, and was in an arranged engagement, until she broke off the engagement and moved to America. In her first appearance, Bernadette takes Ruchi out for drinks, though despite Howard's suggestion, refuses to set her up with Raj or Stuart. While out for drinks, Raj and Stuart show up uninvited and both take an interest in Ruchi and try to win her over. Raj invites Ruchi for drinks behind Stuart's back in a bid to get her alone. When Stuart shows up and tells Ruchi, she tells them that she is not interested in a relationship and just wants to make some friends. Raj later bumps into Ruchi at a bar while watching a cricket match with Howard and they eventually hook up. Afterwards, Ruchi wants to keep things casual with Raj, which he has difficult maintaining, especially after a date with her when she reveals that she does not believe in romantic love, and sees it more as a science. Despite this, Raj continues to see Ruchi to have sex with her. While she is on bed rest, Bernadette becomes convinced that Ruchi is trying to steal her job, which it turns out that she is, after revealing she is taking over all of Bernadette's projects. Raj tries to defend Ruchi like a boyfriend but she ends up dumping him. Wil Wheaton , who plays a fictionalized version of himself plays a fictionalized version of himself. Wil played in , a character that Sheldon idolized as a child. Sheldon took a 10-hour bus ride to attend the convention and was disappointed that Wheaton was a no-show. In season three, Sheldon enters a trading-card game tournament Mystic Warlords of Ka'a to confront Wheaton. In sympathy, Sheldon deliberately messes up his next move to benefit Wheaton. Wheaton reveals that he lied about his grandmother and then wins the game by taking advantage of the opening Sheldon leaves him. Wheaton later plays in a bowling match against Sheldon, where he uses again, breaking up Leonard and Penny to win. In season four, Wheaton appears at a special screening of and uses his celebrity status to go to the front of a long line. Wheaton and his entourage effectively prevented Sheldon and his friends from attending the screening when the last seat in the theater went to the person directly in front of them in line. Ultimately, Sheldon steals the reels containing the prints of the film and Wheaton leads a mob of angry audience members after Sheldon. In season five, Wheaton invites the guys to a party at his house and appears to be genuinely sorry for his past actions, giving Sheldon a signed Wesley Crusher action figure as a way of thanking Sheldon for being a fan. Wheaton is invited to Howard's bachelor party, where he films the toasts and uploads them to the Internet, getting Howard and Raj in trouble with Bernadette. In season six, Wheaton appears in a Star Trek-themed episode of Sheldon's web-series and insults Amy after she criticizes his performance. After Sheldon ditches Amy to spend time with Wheaton, Amy becomes angry with Sheldon, who later unknowingly becomes intoxicated and almost starts a fist fight with Wheaton, demanding an apology. In season seven, Amy calls Wheaton to cheer up Sheldon after Leonard disproves Sheldon's scientific discovery. Wheaton later gives Penny advice when she wrestles with whether to take a role in the sequel to a low-budget horror film in which she once starred. After taking the role, Penny finds that Wheaton is also appearing in the film. Wheaton and Penny are both fired from the film after an argument with the director. In season eight, Wheaton invites Penny to appear on his , where she talks about her acting career. Leonard and Penny get into an argument on air, much to the amusement of Wheaton. In season nine, Wheaton introduces , son of Mr. Spock portrayer , to Sheldon, for Sheldon to be interviewed for a documentary that Adam Nimoy is producing about Spock and his impact on popular culture. In a later episode, Wheaton fills in for Sheldon when he joins Leonard, Howard, and Raj for the midnight premiere of. When he arrives at the theater, the audience immediately jeers him for dressing as Spock, but Wheaton explains that he did so intentionally because he believes the audience should not take whether the film succeeds or fails so seriously. In season eleven, Sheldon wants to replace in the role of Professor Proton, following Jeffries' death, and asks Wheaton to be his acting coach for the part. However, when Wheaton somehow gets the part instead, Sheldon is dismayed and after many unsuccessful attempts to get his friends to boycott the franchise, he demands that Wheaton turn down the role. Wheaton refuses, claiming he wants to inspire young scientists and Sheldon begins to consider him an enemy again. However, after watching the show Sheldon likes Wheaton's portrayal of Prof. Proton and gets jealous when he sees that Wheaton has brought Howard to be a guest on his show. Although Sheldon apologizes to Wheaton, mending their friendship, Wheaton refuses to bring Sheldon as a guest on his show and instead invites Amy to be a guest on the show. At the end of season eleven, Wil is Sheldon and Amy's first choice to officiate their wedding ceremony, but is replaced when becomes available. Wil Wheaton, , Leonard Nimoy in voice-over only , , and have all appeared on the show, making the Star Trek franchise the most represented franchise on the show in terms of guest appearances. Debbie Malvina Wolowitz voiced by is Howard's over-protective, controlling, belittling, but loving and caring. The character is with the exception of in which her body, but not face is briefly shown. Wolowitz's raspy voice is heard usually in scenes at her house, which she shares with Howard. She talks to Howard always by yelling at him from another room, which results in awkward conversations with Howard yelling back at her. Wolowitz is also described as being enormously obese and wearing a wig and painted-on eyebrows. She seems to be oblivious to Howard's work as an engineer and treats him as though he is still a child. She is a master at Wheel-of-Fortune and guessing answers at game shows. When Howard reveals that he has proposed to Bernadette and she has accepted, she collapses, causing Howard to panic and dislocate his shoulder while trying to barge into the bathroom to help her. The timing leads him to believe that she may not like Bernadette who is Catholic and has suffered a heart attack from the shock of the news. In actuality, her fainting was due to food poisoning from the food she ate while meeting Bernadette and was completely unrelated to Howard's news. She has graciously accepted Bernadette as her daughter-in-law and is impressed by Bernadette's doctorate. In an early episode, Howard attempts to move out after a fight with his mother, but has serious delusions that she is trying to force him to stay, when in actuality, she is urging him to move out, which leads to him staying. However, at the beginning of season six, she is angry and upset about Howard moving in with Bernadette that she cries at the thought of being lonely, prompting him to promise he'll convince Bernadette to move into their house instead. However, Bernadette remains firm but once Howard has finally moved out of his mother's house, he tells her a story about inviting his mother to be an assistant during his magic tricks as a child, helping her forget her loneliness, making Bernadette feel guilty and decide that she and Howard should sleep over at his mother's house from time to time to remind her that she is not alone. Later in the season, Howard asks Raj to look in on his mother to make sure she is okay while he and Bernadette are out on a trip. Raj enjoys dinner with her but as he is about to leave, she cries at being lonely, causing a sympathetic Raj to stay for dessert. He ends up sleeping in Howard's old bedroom, but once Howard warns him that his mother will use her loneliness and mother him in a desperate attempt to make him stay, he attempts to escape but is caught by her. In season seven, Mrs. Wolowitz breaks her leg and keeps driving away the nurses hired to care for her. Even Penny rejects the job of caregiver after a very short time. After Stuart's comic-book store burns down, Howard invites Stuart to work for Mrs. Wolowitz; however, they develop a strange relationship, much to Howard's annoyance. Howard is also upset about the fact that now she dotes more heavily on Stuart, getting him premium cable, new clothes, money to rebuild the comic book store and even recording an answering machine message with him. Following the death of Carol Ann Susi, producers decided that Mrs. Howard receives a phone call while in the store from his aunt Gladys in Florida, whom Mrs. Wolowitz had gone to visit. She says that Mrs. Wolowitz lay down for a nap and never woke up afterwards. Howard and Bernadette then move back into Howard's old home, and Stuart decides to stay with them. He eventually moves out halfway through season nine, allowing them to redecorate the house. Wyatt Wyatt is Penny's father. He comes to visit, and Penny feels compelled to involve Leonard in a ruse to make him think they are still together. Wyatt appears again in season nine, when Penny finally plucks up the courage to tell her father she eloped with Leonard. Wyatt is happy, but he also confesses that he killed Penny's pet pig a year ago. Zack Johnson Zack Johnson is a dim-witted but friendly -type whom Penny dates on and off after her second break-up with Leonard. Zack works as the menu designer for restaurants that are owned by or which have hired his father's company to design their menus. In season three, Leonard invites Penny and Zack up to the roof to watch his experiment of bouncing laser beams off the moon; Zack misunderstands what is happening, and thinks they are going to blow up the moon. Later, Penny and Zach go out to a party, but she is so put off at how stupid he is that she runs back to Leonard for sex, saying he ruined her ability to tolerate stupid men. In season four, Zack runs into Penny, Bernadette, and Amy at a restaurant, and Amy becomes physically attracted to him. After accompanying them on a trip to the comic-book store where Raj and he bond over a mutual fondness for comics , he enters a New Year's Eve costume party with them, portraying in their version of the. In season seven, it is discovered that Zack and Penny have been unknowingly married for three years after the two were intoxicated and attended a wedding chapel in they were not aware that weddings in Las Vegas are real. Penny invites him to Mrs. Wolowitz's house for , where they get the marriage annulled. In season ten, episode 22, Zack and his fiancée plan a double date with Penny and Leonard, but the fiancée does not turn up. Zack offers Penny a job at his menu printing company which she accepts, but when she calls Zack he tells her that his fiancée is uncomfortable with them working together. Alfred Hofstadter : Leonard's father, an anthropologist who once worked with famed archaeologist Louis Leakey Leonard's middle name is Leakey in consequence. He was miserable in his marriage to Leonard's mother Beverly, who was always annoying and was unmotherly towards their children. Alfred claimed she was cold and emasculating, and had not shown him any physical affection for years. When Leonard was six, he walked in on his parents naked, and she was swatting his rear end with Leonard's brand-new ping-pong paddle, and as a result in season three, the two were revealed to be getting divorced after he had had an affair with a waitress. The two of them end up fighting with Beverly at the restaurant during the pre-ceremony dinner and the two leave together and after finding out they are staying at the same hotel, they decide to share a cab and it is implied that the two hook up. In the ceremony, he says that though Beverly and he do not bring the best out in each other, something wonderful did come out of their relationship: Leonard. On the way to the airport, they appear to be civil for about a minute until they start bickering over Leonard's driving. The name of the character is never used on the show, but is included on her name tag and in the credits. She is also the only character besides Leonard and Sheldon to be carried over from the original unaired pilot. Stephanie Barnett : a medical doctor and a highly distinguished surgeon that Howard tries to seduce, but she falls for Leonard. She dates Leonard, and surreptitiously moves in with him. Once Sheldon and Penny point this out to him, Leonard breaks up with her. Captain Sweatpants is a middle-aged bald man who wears grey sweatpants and a T-shirt. Lonely Larry wears a brown suit and is extremely thin. They are also friends with Wil Wheaton. Both attend Howard's bachelor party. Cheryl is the very talkative, short-haired brunette dressed as a , who shows interest in Raj. She is not identified within the episode, but her name is listed in the credits. Fowler Annie O'Donnell Season 5 ; Seasons 11 and 12 : Amy Fowler's mother. Halley's appearances are hidden by her baby pram and covered up by blankets, though her loud cries from off-screen sound a lot like Mrs. Wolowitz a tribute to. Hours before his birth, Howard is unhappy that Bernadette has already decided to name the baby after her father, Michael, without consulting him first. He doesn't agree with this and is even more disturbed that many of the names he has thought of come from her ex-boyfriends in college. Eventually Howard and Bernadette compromise as she gives birth to Neil, after Neil Armstrong and Neil Diamond, with Michael as the middle name. Bernadette still wants to call the baby Michael as a nickname, and Howard doesn't argue with her because of the baby's large head. Abby takes a liking to Raj and Martha takes a liking to Sheldon. While Raj is welcoming of Abby's moves, Sheldon is rejective of Martha's moves. Meeting Alice triggers a chain of events which ends with Leonard and Priya breaking up. The incident, which happened prior to Leonard's marriage to Penny, almost sabotages the marriages after Leonard tells Penny about it. He later strikes up a friendship with the duo and they watch together. Larry Fowler : Amy Fowler's father who is terrified of his wife. Gallo : a therapist to whom Penny attempts to sell products. She winds up conducting therapy on both Penny and Leonard. Latham : a donor for the university who goes out on two dates with Leonard. Oliver Lorvis : a medical doctor to whom Penny sells products. He misreads her flirtations and locks the guys in his basement while he goes to woo her as well as Amy and Bernadette. She takes an immediate dislike to Amy upon meeting her. It appears she came to visit her grandson, but the real reason she came was to size Amy up and she dislikes Amy because of her breaking Sheldon's heart when she broke up with him. Meemaw keeps this to herself until dinner where she reveals this in front of her grandson, his girlfriend and the married Hofstadter couple. Later, Sheldon reasons with her about how she made her husband Sheldon's maternal grandfather a better person when he was stubborn and egotistical and Meemaw soon gives her blessings to Sheldon and Amy's relationship. In the prequel series , Meemaw is played by. In that series, it is revealed that she is Sheldon's maternal grandmother and has a compulsive gambling habit. She is intellectually and socially quite unlike her brother. Confident, tall, and attractive, she promptly catches the attention of Leonard, Howard, and Raj. He temporarily sets himself up as a guardian to Missy in order to choose the best mate for her. It is mentioned that she is separated from her husband, which piques Raj's interest. The 9-year-old version of the character is played by in the prequel series. He comes to visit with Leonard, not realizing that his actions in high school constituted bullying. Sagal and Cuoco previously appeared in the main cast of. Sagal plays Cuoco's mother in that series as well. Often at odds while growing up, the Cooper brothers begin to reconcile their differences when Sheldon and Leonard visit George in season 11 before Sheldon's wedding. Known as Georgie in his younger days, he appears as a main character on played by Montana Jordan. Guest stars appearing as themselves A handful of Hollywood as well as famous scientists and engineers have made appearances on the show as themselves. In most cases the appearances are brief. These appearances are in contrast to who, , plays a character on the show which is a fictionalized version of himself. Retrieved 11 April 2018. Retrieved November 5, 2016. Event occurs at 13:35. Howard tells Bernadette his middle name, because he wants her to make him move out of his mother's house. Event occurs at 11:44. The Big Bang Theory. The Big Bang Theory. Retrieved November 5, 2016. Retrieved November 5, 2016. The Big Bang Theory. Retrieved February 3, 2016.
Bang! - With Friends - PART 1 - Table Flip
She custodes in season nine that she is not happy with her job, but insists on keeping it to help her eliminate her former credit card debts and secure a good financial future. Let this be a lesson to us bang with friends hrvatska With great banging, comes great responsibility. Kevin Sussman was a sincere guest actor from seasons two to five, and was promoted to starring role for the sixth season onwards. Later in the season, Emily and Raj reconcile after a tearful phone call. However, much to Leonard's disappointment, Kurt never told Penny about Leonard's visit, and instead took the idea to ask Penny out for dinner. When Bert starts talking about how no one wants to do anything with him, Amy in a fit of sympathy agrees to go. No conversation is without a mutual friend. He is known to beand is also servile for playing the cello. Bang with friends hrvatska more unfortunately for Sheldon, he cannot seem to get rid of her, especially when she settles herself in his apartment. Newhart plays the same character on. This island is small. Sheldon later makes the same admission to Amy, while north in intercourse game play.
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I ova nije loša, a starija je jesus… -Ja mnogo volim da se ljubim, a ti imaš predivne usne, voleo bih da se ljubim sa tobom…. Ako se ipak pitate imate kod nas detaljan post gdje smo sve objasnili sve sto vam moze pomci oko muvanja djevojka u klubu. Možda će vam ovo delovati smešno, detinjasto ili kao neki kliše, ali uspećete da ostvarite uspešnu konverzaciju. Kako smuvati devojku preko fb — fejsa i poruka. Zato vam predlažemo da se klonite takvih stvari i da ne tražite devojke koje imaju dečka tj koje su u vezi, već da birate neku od onih mnogobrojnih slobodnih devojaka. Da li bi ti smetalo da zevam u tebe umeto po klubu. Sada kada imate to u vidu, vreme je da počnemo sa konkretnim savetima na temu kako smuvati devojku odnosno kako je zavesti. Znaci to smatraj kao ''100% zadovoljavajucu'' garanciju. Jednostavno, TI ces biti pravi, la dominantan MUSKARAC za njih i nateraces ih da se bore za Tebe, i videces trudice se da te nikad ne razocaraju.
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If you are looking for a dating website dedicated to older singles, this website is indeed a great candidate. It created a global network of services that enables older singles to get in touch with each other and establish new relationships, by opening a website for every major country and region around the world. Regardless if you are looking for new friendship opportunities and the chance to do something fun, or you would like to enjoy romance and even put the bases of beautiful relationship, this online dating site is a great place to start. A great advantage is that you can start browsing members even before registering, to make sure that you can indeed find the potential matches before becoming a member. Another amazing site where you can start looking for mature singles. It may be interesting that this particular dating website for seniors was created by a widower, who knew what it means to be single at a mature age, wishing to help others in the same situation to find not just romantic partners, but also new friends. So, this is not only a dating site, as it also works well as a large social network for older singles. The members here are rather outgoing, the site acting more as a mean of communication and connection, helping people get to know each other so they can meet and talk in the real world. But if you do find a partner for a beautiful relationship fortunately, then it is even better, as the site manages to reach its purpose in this way. If you are looking to find senior singles with whom you can talk and even start a relationship, don't hesitate to try this website out. There are plenty older singles here and, with a bit of patience, you can meet the right person for you. After all, life deserves to be lived beautifully regardless of your age. No one wants to spend their rest lives alone, but dating was a lot difficult unlike when they were younger. Studies reveal the scenario of 60 plus dating uses to be completely different from that of young age dating. While dating an older partner, you have to follow different rules to be successful… London is a happening place in UK and is also known for its exquisite infrastructure all around the globe. This beautiful place has older and mature singles who are eager to give wings to a feeling called love! Friendship and love for older singles are much matured terms and they know how to handle them with passion and care… While online dating is extremely popular among the younger generations, the older people are now also looking for their likelihood through online dating. They find themselves in a different stage of their lives and simply want to seeking a good partner. However, they also don't want to be misinterpreted by their friends and family… While most people search for a partner who is somewhere near their own age, there are others who seek the attentions of a man with a little more maturity. The feeling here is that older singles have more to offer, usually in the form of being more respectful, faithful, and worldly wise. But really, if we could stop focusing too much on the number that represents out biological age, we might notice that we are young and fervent on the inside… Getting older comes with a lot of perks. You tend to have a more stable financial situation. You know a bit more about the world, which means that you know what you want with life. This applies to online dating as well. The older generations have significantly different expectations out of online dating, in comparison to the younger ones… Even though you may think a date is always a date, as you get older, there are other things you need to focus on. After all, you're not in a rush to find the best partner to have your own family. In most cases, you're looking for someone who can be a good companion with you and treat you well. So, here are the golden rules of online older dating… Online mature dating sites allow people that reached a mature age to find singles in their area and around the world that have a similar age. While the scenario seems to have changed quite a lot over the years, a lot of women now prefer to date a mature man over someone of the same age. Although dating younger men has its fair share of advantages, if you're planning on getting married or seek a long term commitment, chasing a mature man seems to be a better choice….
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Even better, our online dating experts can do it all for you, from building your profile to finding attractive women you approve of and messaging them for you. It jesus of the largest subscription of seniors wanting to start a relationship. In addition to this, we also give readers useful on what you are looking for, and what you should avoid when making your choice. That said, there are plenty of women of all ages on OkCupid and it pan takes a few minutes to open an account and have a look around. Keep these The real magic of Tinder is in your first impression. As you can imagine, she quickly became overwhelmed by everything that goes into it, such as choosing from the hundreds of caballeros, crafting the perfect profile, and responding to messages. We are able to provide you with this free online service comparison tool thanks to referral fees we receive from a number of service providers that are compared on our website. POF Plenty of Fish employs an effective matching algorithm and a note of data scientists who are constantly updating their algorithms even going as far as attempting to.
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Watch this 1080p video only on pornhub premium. Burn Your Fat With Me!! If you've secretly had a crush on Jay Leno all your life, Gakuen Handsome is your dream come true.
- Personally, I think Her is a better disembodied love story, but this is a close second. List is made up of many different games, including Sakura Wars: So Long, My Love and Chulip.
If love can bloom on the battlefield, then by God, it can bloom anywhere it damn well pleases. And when it comes to, shall we say, progressive couples, no one tops the open-minded pairings found in dating sims. Jumping race or social castes is just the beginning; no line is too sacred for these poignant tales of romance. Collected here are dating sims with the courage - and moreover the moxie - to shatter all barriers with the power of pure love and raging hormones. Whether or not you believe dating sims are purely for pervs, you cannot deny the incredible, atypical affairs of the heart on display in these games. After all, the heart wants what the heart wants. Prev Page 1 of 21 Next Prev Page 1 of 21 Next Sweet Fuse Supports the love between: Keiji Inafune's niece and some theme park employees So you're going along, reading the description for , and everything seems to be on the up and up. Why yes, yes it is. Why is he and his fictional niece in this game? Sadly - perhaps, even, tragically - because you are Keiji Inafune's makebelieve niece you can't date the man himself. In his stead, Sweet Fuse has a stable of hunky dudes to fill the game designer's shoes, including fighting game champ Kouta Meoshi and Ryuusei Mitarashi, male gigolo. Bomb defusing-antics are what await as you travel the park searching for your uncle and trying to rescue the other captured attendants. It's a ridiculous premise to be sure, but I'm sure deep down we all secretly pine for immortality via dating sim - or is that just me? Prev Page 2 of 21 Next Prev Page 2 of 21 Next Love Love Chau!! Supports the love between: The male cast members of Pacific Rim There's no shortage of simple, absurdist dating sims revolving around meme-status celebrities, including Nicolas Cage, Adam Sandler, and John Cena, to name a few. They're good for a laugh, but typically one-note gags, with little substance beyond the ridiculous premise. Obviously, you play as the most sensible character choice from the film: Hannibal Chau, the impossibly eccentric black market organ dealer brought to life by the one and only Ron Perlman. And yet, everything about Love Love Chau!! Admittedly, can be finished in 15 minutes or less, ends on one heck of a cliffhanger, and its download link sadly seems to be lost to time. But to pretend like Hannibal Chau's romantic hardships never happened would be a disservice to true Pacific Rim and Guillermo del Toro fans everywhere. Prev Page 3 of 21 Next Prev Page 3 of 21 Next PacaPlus Supports the love between: Man and alpaca begins the way most dating sims end. Saeki Kazuma, just your normal highschool student, has a good life, good friends, and a loving relationship with his girlfriend, Izumi Yukari. However, things take a turn for the weird when, after a fun day at the Alpaca Kingdom, Kazuma awakes to find his girlfriend transformed into a fluffy, flirtatious alpaca. No one else seems to notice Yukari's wild 'n wooly exterior. Kazuma must discover the secrets of Yukari's alpacalization, or learn to love her fuzzy new form. This is a good game to play with your own significant other, because it's important to have an open dialogue about the consequences of sudden alpaca transformation. Trust me, if you've been in a relationship long enough, you know what I'm talking about. Knowing whether you can see love in those beady, alpaca eyes, or whether your partner would let you ride on their alpaca back, is something all couples face sooner or later. Play this one with an open mind, and an open heart. The gods have decreed Earth shall be destroyed because true love no longer exists. Evian, the Goddess of Love, is still in our corner, and to prove the other gods wrong she has descended to Earth to find true love. That's easier said than done, however, since the gods made her leave her body behind and appear as nothing more than a head in a flowerpot. Personally, I think Her is a better disembodied love story, but this is a close second. Caring for a woman's potted head is every bit as creepy as it sounds. You can tickle, pinch, hit, hold, and of course kiss her. You can dress her up in different hats and jewelry, or place her in different locations around your house. All of these things will affect a litany of personality meters, ranging from 'goodwill' to 'sensibility' and the game's art style will change based on her mood. There are also, apparently, non-potted plant woman you can date, but if you're not here to pervert your love of botany with dating then why even play this game? Prev Page 5 of 21 Next Prev Page 5 of 21 Next Kiss of Revenge Supports the love between: You and the guy who maybe killed your mom Sometimes romance can bloom out of tragedy. It was 12 years ago, after your mother died during surgery due to an unreported error, that you first hatched your vengeful plot. You would study in the medical field, get hired as a nurse at the hospital where your mom died, find whoever it was that let her die due to negligence, and murder him yourself. What you didn't account for in your master plan was falling in love along the way. I don't care who you are - that's a damn intriguing premise, and Kiss of Revenge does even more to invite players in by offering the prologue for free on iOS and Android. From there, you buy individual unlocks depending on which hunky guy you've decided to romance: the hospital director's suave son, your childhood sweetheart, or a surgeon who will do whatever he's told. And no matter which hot hospital worker you choose, the simple thought exercise of giving up revenge and embracing forgiveness in the face of love is fascinating. Prev Page 6 of 21 Next Prev Page 6 of 21 Next Shall We Date? You barely get a chance to take in the cold, Norse-inspired kingdom of Niflheim before undead men start longing for your heart. It's up to you whether you want to court heartthrobs like the smug King Jean, a steampunk zombie named JJ, and a flamboyant socialite by the name of Orlando. Anyone with an appreciation for the occult will get a kick out of Niflheim's supporting cast, including a skeleton who acts as your love guru and a horned Frankenstein's-monster type whose pieced-together body parts induced a case of split personalities. And even if such macabre ideas don't excite you, the absolutely gorgeous gothic art style and beautiful use of color make for an enchanting aesthetic. Prev Page 7 of 21 Next Prev Page 7 of 21 Next Meat Log Mountain Supports the love between: The denizens of a manly-men-only lumberjack town If you move to a place called Meat Log Mountain, you ought to be mentally prepared for a certain kind of atmosphere. That is to say, if you're not a burly dude with an appreciation for bears - not referring to the woodland creature - then you might have trouble fitting in with the lumberjack locals. Luckily for our hero Thaddeus Cub, the town's new doctor, his hulking physique and willingness to closely inspect the crotches of man, demon, and orc alike make him the perfect fit for the Meat Log community. This isn't so much a dating sim as it is a tale of a doctor having raucous, unethical sex with all of his muscular, uncircumcised patients, but the free love regardless of race sends a powerful message of acceptance. The three 'daddy' characters you can seduce all have extensive backstories, and there's even an entire mythos surrounding Meatorion, the god of Meat Log Mountain river. This game is actually the first in a series, which is fortunate for anyone who wants to explore the area beyond the confines of the local clinic. Prev Page 8 of 21 Next Prev Page 8 of 21 Next Creature to Koi Shiyo! Kokonoe Kokoro Supports the love between: A teenage boy and a human-sized cricket In Japanese, this dating sim's title roughly translates to Lets Be in Love with Creatures! What that means in regards to gameplay is, your primary goal is to win the heart of your cute classmate: a giant cricket in a schoolgirl's outfit. Is that so wrong? Look, if you've got a problem with your in-game human hero Ichitarou chasing after the cricket girl Kokoro, then let's just label you as an intolerant bigot and move on. However, if you primarily look for chitinous exteriors and large antennae in your perfect match, Creature to Koi Shiyo! There's even a first-person kissing scene tongue no doubt included and the oops-I-walked-in-on-you-changing gag those mandibles - be still, my heart! I'm not saying it's for everyone, but by my estimation, Kokoro is one of the select few insects I'd consider having intercourse with. Prev Page 9 of 21 Next Prev Page 9 of 21 Next Brothers Conflict Supports the love between: A teenage girl and many, many siblings Your parents got divorced; it sucks, but it happens. Then your mom re-married, and guess what? You now have 13 step brothers. Also, you're maybe kind of attracted to them. Such is life in Brothers Conflict, an otome dating sims aimed at the female demographic extravaganza. Vaguely incestuous romance is one thing - but 13 brothers?! What are the odds!? Having that many dudes pining for the same girl is already a complicated situation, but when all parties involved are technically siblings, things get really hairy. On top of all that, there seems to have been some sexual tension between the brothers before you even arrived on the scene. What I wouldn't give to get invited to an Asahina family Christmas party. Prev Page 10 of 21 Next Prev Page 10 of 21 Next Eiyuu Senki Supports the love between: You and female versions of notable historical figures If only you were born in the 15th century. If only you could get to know Ferdinand Magellan on a deep, personal level. If only Ferdinand Magellan looked like a nine-year-old girl in a skintight one-piece swimsuit. Have you often caught yourself thinking these wistful thoughts? Then Eiyuu Senki is your dream come true - a game where you play as a brave leader, strengthening your nation's forces by doing the dirty with legendary names from throughout history. Oh, and they've all transformed into of-age girls who look like tweens. Have you ever wanted to know the loving caress of Billy the Kid, listen to Napoleon whisper sweet nothings in your ear, or fondle Julius Caesar's E-cup breasts? In Eiyuu Senki, you can rewrite history to do just that. As an aside, the images that are now cached into my browser history as a result of researching Eiyuu Senki's waifus will inevitably lead to my unemployment and possible arrest. Prev Page 11 of 21 Next Prev Page 11 of 21 Next Katawa Shoujo Supports the love between: People with disabilities No, we're not saying that dating someone with a disability is the same as courting a pigeon - stick with us on this one. As both a game and a thing that exists in the world, Katawa Shoujo teaches an invaluable lesson: never be too quick to judge. Our story starts on 4chan, which you might assume is incapable of producing anything heartfelt or genuinely touching. After striking up a discussion around of cute girls who all happen to have disabilities, a handful of 4chan users banded together to turn the concept into a dating sim. It sounds like a recipe for demeaning fetishism, but the final product is anything but. Katawa Shoujo may be a game about a young guy surrounded by a harem of disabled girls, but it treats the circumstances with the utmost respect. Its message is clear: Disabled people are just people, with talents, flaws, and aspirations just like any of us. It just goes to show that some 4chan regulars are capable of feeling and evoking genuine empathy. Prev Page 12 of 21 Next Prev Page 12 of 21 Next Namco High Supports the love between: An androgynous alien and the protagonists from various Namco IPs If you've ever transferred between schools, you probably know about the trials and tribulations of being the new kid, just trying to fit in as you get your social bearings. And if you've ever been to an arcade, then you definitely know what it's like to feel sexually attracted to Pac-Man's voluptuous sprite and the curvaceous Galaga ship. Namco High combines those two awkward phases into one wonderful experience. As an exchange student from the Katamari universe, you find yourself in detention with ne'er-do-wells, mean girls, and outcasts from all over the Namco universe. I can safely say that, without any doubt, this is the only game that lets you befriend and possibly romance Richard Miller from Time Crisis. I was also unaware that the Taiko no Tatsujin drums could be such divas until I delved into Namco High. Someone was clearly Namco High when they conjured up this idea - but given the intriguing end result, I'm not complaining. Prev Page 13 of 21 Next Prev Page 13 of 21 Next Luckydog1 Supports the love between: A group of male gangsters Take the classic 1963 film The Great Escape, then amplify any homoerotic undertones to their absolute limits. What you get is Luckydog1, the tale of five infamous mafiosos who endeavor to bust out of prison, possibly taking the time to make sweet love to one another along the way. Tough-guy bravado is all well and good, but when you get two handsome convicts alone in a room together, well anything can happen. As Gian, an Italian member of the Cosa Nostra CR-5, you must use your adept jailbreaking skills to bail out your four CR-5 brethren who, coincidentally, are also your four potential love interests. This ain't a baseball game, but you've gotta decide: Will you be a pitcher, a catcher, or both? Look, I've never been to prison, but if the taxpayer's dollars are spent on helping inmates determine their sexual preferences, so much the better. Prev Page 14 of 21 Next Prev Page 14 of 21 Next Gakuen Handsome Supports the love between: Teenage boys with impossibly sharp chins True fact: the more attractive the guy, the more his chin will have in common with a machete. Gakuen Handsome Let's Handsome~! What other game lets you fawn over men with extremely - extremely - pointy faces? You step into the shoes of an introverted 17-year-old, who finds himself surrounded by attractive men who look like Egyptian sarcophagi faces come to life. Yes, Gakuen Handsome is purposely silly, and its main love interests are parodies of the all-too-typical dating sim archetypes. The dour rich kid, the flirtatious teacher, the bad-boy jock, the mysterious transfer student - they're all here, and they all look like someone grabbed their face and violently pulled downwards. If you've secretly had a crush on Jay Leno all your life, Gakuen Handsome is your dream come true. Prev Page 15 of 21 Next Prev Page 15 of 21 Next Hatoful Boyfriend Supports the love between: A young girl and a pigeon Hatoful Boyfriend has been mystifying gamers since 2011, achieving such infamous cult status that it somehow made its way onto the PS4. It's a simple tale portraying what happens when a high school girl and pigeon become more than just friends. If you've never imagined what it would be like to start a relationship with a pigeon, then I have two questions: What's wrong with you, and wouldn't you like to know what you've been missing? In Hatoful Boyfriend, you step into the shoes of a female student at St. PigeoNation's Institute, which is basically private school for urban birds. As the only human to walk through St. PigeoNation's halls, you've got plenty of feathered potential suitors to choose from. For instance, will you fall for the empathetic rock dove? Do badboy fantails make you go weak in the knees? Should you dare to start a forbidden romance with your teacher who is also a quail? It's entirely up to you - just make sure you don't get your eyes pecked when you move in for the first kiss. Prev Page 16 of 21 Next Prev Page 16 of 21 Next Burn Your Fat With Me!! Supports the love between: People of contrasting physical fitness Do you wish you were in better shape, but suffer from a lack of incentive? What if every push-up or squat you did had a direct correlation to the affections of an adorable workout buddy? Burn Your Fat With Me!! Your exercise routine becomes the means of progression through a dating sim, which some gym rats might call an accurate representation of reality. Think you could do 50 sit-ups in three minutes if it meant going out on a date? Of course you could! You might start this ingenious app as an undefined ball of flab, but by the end of the game, you'll be fit as a fiddle. When people ask you how you got into such great shape, just tell them the truth: You won your trainer's heart with your stick-to-itiveness and discipline. Prev Page 17 of 21 Next Prev Page 17 of 21 Next Jurassic Heart Supports the love between: A teenage girl and a dinosaur Steven Spielberg is one of the most respected directors in the film industry, but even he couldn't capture the gentle nuance of a tyrannosaurus rex's softer side. Jurassic Heart does what Spielberg could not: make you feel emotionally attached to a prehistoric creature that could potentially devour you in one bite. Even a vegan would fall in love with the carnivorous Taira-kun, a shy T-rex who struggles with performance anxiety. Of all the dinosaurs I've ever known, Taira-kun is the only one capable of serenading me on the ukulele. Here's a tip, ladies: if you want to impress the tyrant lizard in your life, wear some meat-based accessories in your hair. Play your cards right, and you just might be on your way to bringing dinosaurs back from extinction, if you catch my meaning. Prev Page 18 of 21 Next Prev Page 18 of 21 Next Osananajimi wa Daitouryou: My Girlfriend is the President Supports the love between: A teenage boy and an alien disguised as the Chief of State Let me attempt to describe this game as straightforwardly as possible. When aliens invade Earth and destroy the capital of the United States of Nippon, they brainwash the nation's citizens to think that nothing happened. There's just one small change: the girl next door has now been sworn in as President. You play as a perverted guy with a can-do attitude. Will you endeavor to boink the most powerful woman in the world? Or does your heart truly lie with the likes of Irina Vladimirovna Putina? When the world's leaders all look like prepubescent girls, politics become a hell of a lot more interesting. And even if it's all a sinister plot schemed by our alien overlords, can't the denizens of the Snow White House have a little fun? On the one hand, My Girlfriend is the President has a penchant for graphic depictions of seemingly underage sexual encounters. On the other hand, it stars a female president, so it deserves at least a modicum of credit for progressive ideas. Prev Page 19 of 21 Next Prev Page 19 of 21 Next RE: Alistair Supports the love between: MMO addicts and the people who grief them If you're at all familiar with EverQuest, you might remember the legendary video, where a particularly vitriolic gamer was deprived of a super rare item when some hooligans snatched it up off the ground. Now, imagine that this scenario was the basis for a high school romance. Yeah, I don't know why someone didn't think of that sooner, either. Merui Lucas is an avid player of the faux MMO Rivenwell Online, and she's deduced that one of three boys at school must be the jerk - someone by the name of Alistair - who stole her phat lootz. You've got 30 days to crack the case, dipping in and out of the in-game game but will you fall in love by month's end? If every instance of ninja looting escalated into a full-on love triangle, the world would be a very different place indeed. Prev Page 20 of 21 Next Prev Page 20 of 21 Next Love Plus Supports the love between: A real-world man and a machine Meet Sal 9000 name likely withheld to protect the socially damaged. He's just a normal guy living in Japan, who fell head over heels for Nene Anegasaki. As their love grew stronger, Sal's heart got bolder, until finally he resolutely decided that he would marry her. Now, Sal 9000 and Nene Anegasaki are happily married. Actually, I can't quite say that with 100 percent certainty, because Nene Anegasaki is a character in a Nintendo DS game, and is therefore incapable of discriminating between potential suitors. Sal 9000, on the other hand, is. Though it's not legally binding, Sal 9000 did in fact marry Nene - there are witnesses and livestream archives to prove it. And while Sal 9000 may never know the touch of a woman, perhaps he truly has found love, bridging the gap between virtual and real worlds. Everyone was raving over that movie Her, right? Little do they know that Joaquin Phoenix's got nothing on this guy! Call it unbelievably creepy if you want - but if this guy's truly happy, then who are we to judge?
Top 5 Android Games Only For Adults 2018 HD
Or does your heart truly lie with the likes of Irina Vladimirovna Putina. She elements that she's a waitress at one of those fancy restaurants in the city. She looks shocked and upset. It was 12 years ago, after your mother died during surgery due to an unreported error, that you first hatched your vengeful plot. These highly rated dating sim elements are ranked by your votes, so only the greatest dating sim games are at the top of the list. Of course you could. Prev Page 2 adult dating simulation games 21 Next Prev Page 2 of 21 Next Love Love Chau!. Such is life in Brothers Conflict, an otome dating sims aimed at the female demographic extravaganza. You can tickle, pinch, hit, hold, and of course kiss her. Evian, the Goddess of Love, is still in our corner, and to prove the other gods wrong she has descended to Earth to find true love. Prev Page 17 of 21 Con Prev Page 17 of 21 Next Adult dating simulation games Heart Supports the love between: A teenage girl and a dinosaur Steven Spielberg is one of the most respected directors in the film industry, but even he couldn't capture the gentle nuance of a tyrannosaurus rex's softer side. When aliens invade Pan and destroy the capital of the United States of Nippon, they brainwash the nation's citizens to think that nothing happened.
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