Combining text and formatted values

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An alternative way to concatenate columns in Excel is to use the corresponding option of the. Excel string functions allow handling and manipulating text strings: combining text from different cells in one string, extracting parts of the string based on their position or surrounding symbols, substituting parts of the string, etc. However, if we complicate things a bit by requiring a period.

Here, I will introduce you a powerful tool- Kutools for Excel, its Combine utility can easily combine cells and keep different kinds of cell formatting in Excel. To differentiate between data and a formula in a cell, you begin a formula by typing an equal sign.

How to Quickly Combine Cells in Excel - However, I am looking to make the values whether or not with the TEXT function to pop out of the surrounding text in a contrasting colour. When you join a number to a string of text by using the concatenation operator, use the TEXT function to control the way the number is shown.

This formula essentially combines a text string with the contents of cell B3 and displays the result. Note, however, that the contents of B3 are not formatted in any way. You might want to display the contents of B3 using a currency number format. Note: Contrary to what you might expect, applying a number format to the cell that contains the formula has no effect. This is because the formula returns a string, not a value. You can enter any valid number format string for this argument. Here's another example that uses the NOW function which returns the current date and time. The TEXT function displays the date and time, nicely formatted. However, you are using ad blocker and our efforts will not be rewarded. Please consider disabling ad blocker before continuing the reading.


To see how to switch between languages, download the sample file from the Functions section on the Excel Sample Files page. As the value in D2 changes, you want the value in A2 to update automatically. Regards, Abhinav Hi Svetlana, Thanks for replying. To do this, we type a space surrounded by double quotes. For example, assume cell A12 contains the value 1435. This article, I will introduce some effective methods to correctly combine text and date into one cell in Excel. You can enter any valid number format string for this argument.