Trivia Crack Hack

※ Download: What are gems for in trivia crack

Anyway, after telling to start recording and going to Trivia Crack in my browser, the first step was to figure out which of the many requests being sent on this Facebook page were related to Trivia Crack, versus Facebook itself. The point counter is located next to the buttons to like, dislike, report a question or continue the game in challenges it appears just after having answered the last question , every gem we get, the counter starts from zero.

For example, to start with, this one is free-to-play. Thus Its better to collect a few cards with better bonuses rather than lots of cards with small bonuses... This way, you have the chance of doing a lucky guess; and besides, the rest of the game will get way easier, since the complicated questions may be out of the game by then. Now it was just a matter of creating a malicious client to take advantage of the fact that the correct answer is sent in the response.

Trivia Crack Tips and Hints Guide - Running out of lives does not affect games that are already in progress, and these games can continue to be played in the meantime when it becomes the player's turn.

On August 12th, 2015, released version 2. Collector Cards and Gems. Here is the official announcement on Twitter... Click to learn more! And so far no one at etermax has responded regarding this issue with the new cards. If you would like an answer, I suggest contact them directly at: Hopefully if enough people keep asking about this issue they will eventually respond. In the meantime, I thought I would share some of what I have learned about these cards in case others may find it helpful to know. First of all, to check your cards, go to the home screen on TC where it lists your current games, and scroll down to below the list of games where it is your turn to play and above the games where it is your opponent's turn to play. There you will see three card slots. This shows what 3 cards from your collection are active or empty if you haven't added a card for that slot. You can currently only have 3 active cards at any one time. Thus Its better to collect a few cards with better bonuses rather than lots of cards with small bonuses... You can also click on any card in your collection to view it. On the card it will show the number, name, illustration, description, bonus, and the timer required to receive the bonus. To collect gems, simply answer questions in the game, or purchase them from the in-game store. Only challenge questions are worth only 1 pt. So it is possible to fill your gem-meter with just 25 correct answers. If you have enough gems to get a card from that machine it will do a short animation and then display the card you just received. The result is completely random, except for the first 3 cards from the Whimsical machine. This will not only unlock the other two machines, but it will also give you your first Prize Card, which are hard to collect and generally have better bonus values. These get a separate numerical value based on the series number they are in. So for instance, the Prize Card for The Originals series is numbered S01, as it is from the first series of cards. The best cards are from Gnarly, but they also cost more in gems to collect. Also, there are no duplicates for Black cards - so I don't suggest you trade them. So that leads me to the question of how to collect these different bonuses. First you must add a card to an empty slot or replace a currently active card with a new card. You can do that in two ways. Either click on a slot or click on a card from your Album. Click on that and it will jump to your Album where you can then select the card you want to add. Once you add a card to a slot the bonus timer will automatically start. When the timer ends, you must click on that slot to receive the bonus as shown on the card and then the timer will start over. If you switch cards, the timer for the previous card is cancelled and starts over based on the new cards timer. Simply click on Album or just swipe right twice and that user's card collection will appear. It won't display any details about the cards or how many duplicates they have collected, nor will it even show the image of any of the Prize Cards they may have unlocked. However, by cross referencing your own Album, it's fairly easy to identify what cards they have. Unfortunately, the update did not add the Album tag when viewing our own Profile page. The only way to view your own Album is from the Home screen and scrolling down to where it says Album. However, you can cut that number in half if you primarily play Classic 1vs1 games, and collect bonus gems using cards that reward gems. Especially if you have friends willing to trade one of their Gnarly cards for one of your Whimsical cards. In theory, it could be possible to collect all the cards in the game with as few as 148 gems, but I wouldn't count on that! Even if the traded cards are from the same machines, you'll still need at least 390 gems - and that would still require some very lucky trades. Realistically, most people will likely need to use about 1,000 gems and still have to do some trading to get a complete collections of cards. The good news is it really doesn't take long to earn gems. Especially anyone that has unlimited lives who just does random challenge games. In that case you can expect to earn about 6 gems every hour of play. You can also purchase gems, but considering the cost I definitely would not recommend it. The difference there is that the games can be slow, so it's best to build up a bunch of games until you have a decent pace for the week. The downside is if you get busy you could be forced to forfeit several games. YMMV Also, as you collect cards with better gem bonuses, if you add them to your slots you can start collecting gems without even playing. I currently get 20 gems a week just from my active cards. Hopefully this should answer most questions regarding the new collector cards for TC. Have fun and enjoy your games! I made a separate article listing. I also made a separate articles detailing info on all the cards from the three machines and associated Prize Cards: Majestic Machine Info New Years Machine Info Monkey Year Machine Info Cupid's Arrow Machine Info St. Patrick's Machine Info Here is the breakdown on the different cards in each machine: -------------------- Whimsical Machine 254 Total Cards 57 Unique +17 that are also available from the Majestic Machine 1 Black Card 5 Gold Cards 5 Unique but also available from the Majestic Machine 24 Aqua Cards 12 Unique but also available from the Majestic Machine 224 Common Cards 56 unique In addition, collecting these cards will unlock 11 Prize Cards, and part of 8 series shared with cards from the Majestic Machine for an additional 8 Prize cards. Patrick's Machine 18 Total Cards 15 Unique 5 Gold Cards all unique 7 Aqua Cards all unique 6 Common Cards 3 unique In addition, collecting these cards will unlock 3 Prize Cards. I have a friend who has the wwf cards, and I wrote their values down. Climate: 2 coins x 16 hours Fresh water: 2 hearts x 16 hours Oceans: 5 gems x 5 days Forests: 2 hearts x 4 hours Wildlife: 18 coins x 24 hours Prize card: Food: 2 hearts x 1 hour Unfortunately I have no images i should ask him to give them to me, we are both totally blind and we really do not worry about pics he just sent his screenshots to BeSpecular volunteer community to have descriptions For now, I have not understood what is the difference between gold, aqua, common, black, unique... I am attempting to produce a document for other visually impaired people explaining the complete cards functionality, as the complete list of bonus values I have here - seems not sufficient for Others to understand how to play with cards. I am using them, thanks to the bonus list, but I learnt how to play by myself, with some sighted assistance the first time but I am hoping for a better update Not sure why you need to do a Facebook Connect? Facebook Connect allows members to login to other sites by just using their Facebook credentials.


A player who does not want to wait can either request lives from their Facebook friends, or can buy lives through an in-app purchase. You just cheat to win and cheat to get ahead. Another popular thought is that EA is not doing enough in adding new features. Without having to run out of resources, players have been able to get better gaming benefits with the help of such hacks and cheat codes. You do not need any guide to use Trivia Crack generator because it is very easy to use. One of the most important things in this game to not waste the free gems. Draw-backs Although the general opinion on the game was quite positive, some fans are starting to get the feelings that these games are a bit exaggerated. Also these effective and legit hacks also come with timely updates and are compatible with all internet devices like laptops, mobiles and tablets.